Participation in Urbanpromo Social Housing and Progetti per il Paese is free for everyone.

Below you can find instructions for participation and instructions for architects, engineers, surveyors and speakers. At the bottom of the page the links to the registration forms.


In order to ensure the maximum dissemination of the initiatives, we have provided for different way of fruition with the ambitious intention of allowing everyone to participate in the preferred form:

  1. on the Urbanpromo Zoom platform

    With the possibility of interacting with the speakers and the audience in the room.By filling in the registration form you will receive an e-mail confirming acceptance of the booking; this communication contains a personal (non-transferable) link to which you can connect on the day of the event at the time indicated.
  2. live streaming on the Urbanpromo website

    It is possible to follow the event in streaming from the page of the site dedicated to the conference.
    Access is free upon registration on the site.

Most of Urbanpromo’s initiatives are recognized as training events for Architects, Engineers and Surveyors. The registration form and the details for participation will soon be made available.


Urbanpromo’s initiatives are recognised as training events by the Lombardy Regional Council of PPC Architects’ Associations.

Please note that each architect must register for the webinar with a unique email address (the system preserves and manages bookings from the email address). When registering, it is compulsory to communicate your tax code, your registration number and the Order of reference.

Registration through Im@teria is NOT required.

Please note that the webinar tool allows you to monitor the presence of the trainees for the entire duration of the event and that the cfp will be validated for those entitled (i.e. after verification of the report generated by the System used for disbursement) within 60 days after the end of the event by the Organizer (Consulta AL).

It is requested, in a collaborative manner, not to solicit the Organiser before the expiry of the 60 days.


A selection of initiatives are recognised as training events by the National Council of Engineers.

During the registration phase, it is mandatory to communicate the tax code, the registration number and the Order of reference.

Please note that the webinar tool allows to monitor the presence of the trainees for the entire duration of the event and that the cfp will be validated for those entitled (i.e. after verification of the report generated by the System used for delivery). For the recognition of CFPs, attendance is required for the entire duration of the chosen conference (100% of total minutes).

The initiatives recognised by the National Council of Engineers are as follows:


Urbanpromo’s initiatives are recognised as training events by the Fondazione Geometri e Geometri Laureati of the province of Milano. During the registration process it is mandatory to communicate the tax code, the registration number and the Order of reference.

Please note that the webinar tool allows to monitor the presence of trainees for the entire duration of the event and that the cfp will be validated for those entitled (i.e. after verification of the report generated by the System used for the delivery). For the recognition of CFPs, attendance is required for the entire duration of the chosen conference (100% of total minutes).


Speakers can participate both from the production centre and remotely.
The remote connection is via personal link that will be sent by the secretariat.
Speakers architects, engineers or surveyors who wish to receive professional training credits can register using the channels provided for each professional category.

For further information (link, ppt, cfp, etc.) write to:

(Social Housing and Progetti per il Paese)

Tuesday 17th November 2020 – morning

Tuesday 17th November 2020 – afternoon

Wednesday 18th November 2020 – morning

Wednesday 18th November 2020 – afternoon 

Thursday 19 November 2020 – morning

Thursday 19th November 2020 – afternoon

Friday 20th November 2020 – morning

Friday 20th November 2020 – afternoon