The first edition of Urbanpromo Digital will be held from 16 to 19 November in Milan, at the innovative location of MEET – Digital Culture Center, Fondazione Cariplo.

Urbanpromo is the national observatory of experimentation, innovation and research on the city and its transformations. With its new initiative, Urbanpromo broadens the field of strictly urban and environmental investigation to include the proposal and dissemination of avant-garde experiences which use artificial intelligence as well as human intelligence.

The great relevance that the digital transition is assuming in the Italian scientific and cultural debate leads to configure “Urbanpromo Digital” as the first major national initiative that brings together initiatives activated in Italy to promote the enhancement of functions of various kinds (cultural, tourist, industrial, etc.) driving the urban economy. On the occasion of “Urbanpromo Digital” the first meeting of the Digital Culture Centres will be held, where the main promoters of the sector will present their specific initiatives and aims.

The initiative will take place in the framework of ‘Urbanpromo Progetti per il Paese’, the event dedicated to regeneration and public-private partnerships now in its 18th edition.

The themes of the first edition of “Urbanpromo Digital”, in addition to the comparison and experiential exchange between the structured initiatives that have been promoted in various Italian cities, include:

  • Digital services for social housing
  • Digital services and technologies for planning cities facing climate change
  • Digital technologies for evaluating risk and uncertainty in real estate valuation, investment and territorial policies