404: Not Found Themes – Edizione 2021 – EN

From the 16th to the 19th of November 2021, the 18th edition of “Urbanpromo Progetti per il Paese” will be held in Milan, at the MEET – Digital Culture Center, Fondazione Cariplo. Within the framework of urban regeneration and public-private partnership, projects and initiatives that stand out on the national scene for the strong innovative nature of their approaches and their contents will be presented. Their protagonists present them: public and private promoters, designers, managers.

Pinqua: the projects of the National Program for the Quality of Living. Among the proposals admitted to state funding is a selection of the most interesting and convincing projects in pursuing urban regeneration, reducing housing disadvantage and promoting social inclusion.

Projects to revitalize parts of cities thanks to public-private partnerships. Always at the center of Urbanpromo’s multidisciplinary and multi-actor research, the public-private partnership takes shape in new initiatives in which the quality of the project interacts with the setting up of complex financial supplies and sophisticated legal constructions.

The ecological transition – to which INU has already dedicated Urbanpromo Green (20 online conferences with 1,400 participants on the 15th and 16th of September) – will take the form of a number of initiatives of particular ethical and scientific value, which will touch on themes such as horticulture, biodiversity and environmental policies.

Projects for new urban centralities with sport focus. The cultural and social value of sport is assumed as the main regenerative driver of degraded areas in a significant sample of urban projects.

The places of culture protagonists of urban regeneration. The places of culture, especially in the post-Covid era, represent one of the crucial factors of the economy of a city, laboratories of ideas, centers of attraction, comparison, socialization. The cases presented show the stimulating experiences of elaboration and reorganization of cultural spaces in progress.

The vitality of commercial activities in urban regeneration. The regeneration of urban fabrics by focusing on the consolidation and evolution of the system of commerce and service activities for citizens.

Reconstruction and development in Central Italy. An important update on the processes of reconstruction, which are implemented in the complex morphological and socio-economic nature of the areas of central Italy in collaboration with the Technical Structure of the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for Reconstruction.

Accessible Cities for All. With the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, Prize awarded through an INU-URBIT call for proposals for innovative works on accessibility at 360° carried out in Italy as part of Master’s Theses and Research-Studies.

The rebirth of inland areas. The initiatives and projects that aim to bring a new social and economic life to the inland areas.