Markus Hedorfer, Alessandro Calzavara, ASSURB – National Association of Town, Spatial and Environmental Planners

Within the actions of governance, the interest in environmental issues (and more specifically to aspects related to sustainability and resilience of settlements and territorial transformations) has increased significantly in recent decades. It has grown enough to incorporate specific evaluation processes, such as SEA, Vinca (Natura 2000 sites assessment, NIS in Ireland or HRA in the UK), AIA (authorisations mainly referred to IPPC), etc., that strongly influence / guide the authorisation process.

In the proposed session, the aim is to compare the different possible approaches to this evaluation process, which very often shows itself in a “justificationist” way — while in the original intentions it had the objective of increasing the quality of design, to be directed towards the integration of a new awareness with respect to the interactions with the environmental system — aiming (retrospectively) only at overcoming a bureaucratic procedure.

Through the presentation of Italian and International experiences, the aim is to explore the range of possible alternative approaches that can be identified. These approaches range, as the title highlights, from a radical approach (which involves deep cultural transformations – the “green”), to a compensatory / mitigating strategy (the greening), up to an action of a simple “green dressing” (the greenwashing), which, in fact, trivializes the approach to sustainability in a communication project. Particularly relevant in this context is the exploration of the needs for new or renewed legislative approaches and the general question of how adequate the current system of urban planning legislation still is.


Alessandro Calzavara, ASSURB

“Green, Greening, Greenwashing, an introduction.”
Stefano Soriani, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

“Tools and application difficulties – The Veneto regional experience”.
Marco Zecchinato, Urban planner, Veneto regional councilor

“The German experience of eco-accounts”.
Markus Hedorfer, ASSURB

“The approach to sustainable mobility of the autonomous province of Bolzano”.
Gianluca Squeo, Urban planner, Nature, Landscape and Spatial Development Department of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano

“Analytical tools vs governance approaches – Planning for food, economy or landscape”
Gianfranco Brambilla, Italian National Health Institute

“Health, the sixth mission of the PNRR (Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan): a territorial approach”.
Michele Usuelli, Doctor, Lombardy Regional Councillor

Takes part to the debate:
Vula Tsetsi, Urbanist, Secretary General of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament

