Denis Maragno, Gianfranco Pozzer, Università Iuav di Venezia

In 2012, the “Smart Cities and Communities European Innovation Partnership” initiative was launched by the European Commission to encourage investment in urban areas in order to support projects in the field of sustainability and digital transition. In the last few years there have been many experiences of Territorial Government that find in the field of new information technologies tools and approaches oriented to promote energy transition, sustainable mobility, integration of services and emergency management. Recently, with the health emergency due to Covid-19, the transition has accelerated, further opening up to new important changes.

Starting from these events, the seminar will discuss cases and examples related to the use of information technologies, big data and new forms of digital collaboration oriented to the management and sustainable development of the territory.
The seminar will discuss these issues in relation to two points of view.

The first point promotes the use of new information deposits related to satellite data and the European program Copernicus, observing the possible cognitive inertia related to new services, especially in the enhancement of ecosystem services and soil consumption.
The second point is mainly related to the study and use of large information flows (Big Data) related to the growing ‘intelligence’ of static and digital components.

More in detail, this second phase stimulates the promotion of smart technologies for the city (Smart Technologies), visible in recent local experiments defined as “Urban Digital Center”. These are spaces dedicated to education and information, digital culture and co-design, operating in a participatory context oriented to goals of urban quality and local development.


Denis Maragno, Iuav University of Venice

“Earth observation technologies for territory monitoring”
Michele Munafò, Head of Service for the National Environmental Information System, ISPRA

“The use of Copernicus Services in support of Climate Proof Planning”
Gianfranco Pozzer, Iuav University of Venice, Phd

“The experience of the Urbana Digital Center as a digital knowledge to support the activities of the Territorial Government”
Luisa Cazzotto
, Councillor for Territorial Development Planning Policies and Innovation of the City of Rovigo

“Digital technologies at the service of the territory. Estimation of the photovoltaic potential in the urban area of Vicenza without land consumption”
Matteo Pisanu
 e Yaroslav Vasyunin, Digital Innovation Hub di Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza

