404: Not Found DUAL URBANISM – Edizione 2021 – EN

Paola Di Biagi, University of Trieste

The discussion and reflection initiatives for the 90th anniversary of the National Institute of Urban Planning are enriched by a series of themed Events dedicated to relevant urban planners.
The pairings have been constructed considering roles, commonality/opposition of interests and/or political/cultural approaches and, of course, with reference to the particular relationship established with INU. This is the third of five Study Meetings in webinar format.


Introduces and coordinates:
Paola Di Biagi, University of Trieste

Lectures by:
Claudia Mattogno, Sapienza University of Rome
Angioletta Voghera, Politecnico of Turin

Annalisa Metta, Roma Tre University
Cristina Renzoni, Polytechnic of Milan
