Roberta Capuis, Head of the Urban Planning and Regeneration Sector of Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia

The European Union has always supported the development of urban areas as engines of change to achieve a new era of environmental respect, resilience and inclusiveness, and is doing even more during this dramatic crisis so that the pandemic can become an opportunity to improve the quality of life of citizens and the activities of entrepreneurs.

The new European Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 offers territories the opportunity to define and directly manage urban regeneration projects and actions for the economic, social and environmental regeneration of cities, including for the benefit of trade and services businesses.

Similarly, the measures and resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan are often focused on the urban and territorial challenges of our country, such as the Innovative Housing Quality Programme, dedicated to city housing policies and the regeneration of the socio-economic fabric, and the National Small Towns Plan, based on the cultural regeneration of small towns and their tourist revival.

At the centre of the debate, promoted this year by Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia, are the huge resources available to cities, territories and urban economies. They represent a unique opportunity to develop, in the coming years, shared and integrated projects and consolidate the results achieved so far. This is in continuity with what has already been experimented by the territorial Confcommercios, in collaboration with the reference municipal administrations and local partnerships.


Opening and welcome greetings:
Carlo Sangalli, President Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia**
Antonio Decaro, ANCI President *
Stefano Stanghellini, INU Honorary President

First session
Round table: tools, resources and territories

Introduction and moderation:
Paola Pierotti, PPAN journalist

Alberto Marchiori, Consigliere Incaricato per la rigenerazione urbana,  Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia Antonella Galdi, Deputy General Secretary, ANCI
Giorgio Martini, Managing Authority PON Metro, Agency for Territorial Cohesion
Barbara Casagrande, Head of the General Direction for State Housing, Housing Policies, Urban Regeneration and Special Interventions, Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility
Massimo Castelli, National Coordinator ANCI Small Municipalities and Mayor of Cerignale (PC)

Second session
Territories, projects and opportunities

Roberta Capuis, Head of Sector Urban Planning and Urban Regeneration, Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia

“Interventions aimed at supporting initiatives for the redevelopment and enhancement of historic villages in the Marche region”
Massimiliano Polacco, General Manager, Confcommercio Marche

“The regional Protocol ANCI-Confcommercio Umbria and the European programming 2021-2027”
Federico Fiorucci, regional Coordinator, Confcommercio Umbria

“Milan, two regenerated places for the city and the neighborhoods: Piazzale Loreto and Morsenchio Indoor Market”
Monica Asnaghi, Head of Urban Planning Area, Confcommercio Milano, Lodi, Monza and Brianza
“Evolution of an indoor market”
Claudio Salluzzo, Coordinatore Filiera Agroalimentare
“Loreto, a green and inclusive square for the Milan of the future”
Michele Montevecchi, Manager of New Business Development Nhood

Presentation of the Training Course “PNRR, urban regeneration and trade policies”.
Giovanna Mavellia
, General Secretary, Confcommercio Lombardia
Luca Tamini, Professor of Urban Planning, Milan Polytechnic University

Debate and conclusions

*speaker to be confirmed
**video message
