Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President

Urbanpromo reflects on the processes of redevelopment of parts of cities that are degraded or that lack an identity, which can be activated through a significant investment in sports equipment. Investments that are based on the ethical and social values of sport, and provide communities and sports organisations with equipment that is useful for educational purposes, create opportunities for interaction and socialisation that benefit people of different ages and interests.

In Assisi, the expansion of the FPI National Boxing Centre in the former Montedison complex (with pavilions designed by Morandi and Nervi) is the starting point for a redevelopment of the entire complex, which currently provides an inadequate space for sports (swimming, bowls) and cultural activities (Lyrick theatre). The plan is to complete the complex with a new sports center

In Prato, in Macrolotto Zero, a prevalently productive settlement formed close to the historic centre, the municipality has created the Playground, a green space dedicated to sport and leisure time, which together with the Medialibrary and the Mercato Coperto is one of the main points of the “Creative District” project designed to transform and regenerate this part of the city.

In the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli, a villa that had been abandoned for a long time and the surrounding land of great natural beauty have been chosen by Fiorentina Calcio to build the “Viola Park”, a sports center of over 22 hectares with a wide range of equipment for playing football and enjoying sports events, soon to be available for young people and fans of the sport.
Among the initiatives aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and social interaction, increasing the vitality of the surrounding urban fabric, the Bocconi Sport Center will soon be available in Milan.

Passion for sport is also driven by events based on sports competition. Urbanpromo’s field of interest includes equipment designed for the execution and enjoyment of sports competitions. Among this is the project for the new Palasport in Varese.

The social dimension in urban regeneration distinguishes social housing projects, a sample of which is presented to illustrate ongoing experiences in various parts of the country.


First part:
Projects for new urban centres with a sport focus

Introduction and coordination:
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President


“Prato Playgroung”
Francesco Caporaso, Urban Planning Service Manager, Municipality of Prato
Massimo Fabbri, Architect

“The Rings of Milan”
Giovanni Giacobone, Managing Director, Sportium
Christian Recalcati, Managing Director, Sportium

“The projects for the Varese sports hall and the Bocconi Sport Center”
Giuseppe De Martino, CMR Project, designer

“Assisi: the Masterplan of the ex Montedison area”
Alberto Capitanucci, Assessor Urban and Building Policies, Municipality of Assisi
Veronica Cavallucci, Assessor Sport and Culture, Municipality of Assisi
Alessio Burini, HOF PRO, designer
“Il Nuovo Centro Sportivo della Fiorentina”
Marco Casamonti, ARCHEA Associati, Architetto
Francesco Casini, Sindaco Bagno a Ripoli

Seconda parte:
Progetti di social housing


“Il progetto TIGER – Esperienze innovative di efficentamento energetico degli edifici e modelli di finanziamento mediante contratti di prestazione energetica”
Pierpaolo Pescara, Direttore Dipartimento Ambiente e Territorio della Regione Abruzzo

“Mattoni di comunità”
Laerte Grimani, Presidente RETE COOPERATIVA 110
Matteo Ragnacci, Presidente di Legacoop Produzione e Servizi – Umbria

“Fondo Housing Sociale Liguria: progetto Boero. Il quartiere che rigenera”
Lina Scavuzzo
, head of Real Estate Development, DeA Capital Real Estate SGR S.p.A.

Discutono con i progettisti:

Gianni Biagi, Direttore Tecnico URBIT
Vittorio Salmoni, Vicedirettore Urbanistica Informazioni
