Ennio Nonni, Gianni Biagi, INU – URBIT

The green refers us to the forest, the park, the garden, the tree, in the three dimensions of protection, management and design.
It is a fact that the green at various scales is a driving force for the regeneration of the suburbs, for the fight against climate change, for the specific impact on public health and city livability.
If all this is consolidated, the new starting point should be to broaden the horizon and, through green, imagine cities, houses and a new world that is reconnected with nature in harmony with all living beings.

The green, in its several shapes, assumes a therapeutic value, to recover the economy of compromised territories, the livability of grey cities, the aesthetics of out-of-scale neighborhoods; but in a particular way the therapeutic value is addressed to people for the benefits coming from the contact and the knowledge of nature.
Therefore, the immersion in the forest or the green design is relevant to relieve and support the treatment of specific pathologies in a psychologically stimulating relationship with natural elements.

The aim of the conference is to highlight how the green at various scales has therapeutic purposes, with examples documented by qualified points of view of health.
The final goal is to bring together the clinical and design skills and knowledge of green to transfer the concepts and applications of green therapy to the territorial scale. This is in order to make the project (urban planning and housing) achieve a new qualitative focus.


Institutional greetings

Introduces and coordinates:
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President
Roberto Beraldo, Presidente Ordine APPC di Venezia
Michele Talia, Presidente INU

Apertura del convegno:
Ennio Nonni, INU – URBIT

“Green in the time of the coronavirus”
Marco Geddes Da Filicaia, Epidemiologist, public health expert

“The benefits of unspoiled nature”
Alessandro Bottacci, Director of the Foreste Casentinesi National Park

“Healing with the green project”
Andrea Mati, Landscape architect specialized in therapeutic green

“A therapeutic garden for neurorehabilitation”
Francesca Meneghello, Neurologist, IRCCS Hospital San Camillo SRL Venice

“A therapeutic garden in pediatrics”
Simona Simone, Project Management Fondazione Policlinico S.Orsola Bologna

“Beyond the visible dimension of green”
Raffaele Bracalenti, doctor, psychoanalyst, President of the Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research, Rome.

Gianni Biagi, INU – URBIT
