Valeria Saiu, Claudia Trillo, INU – URBIT

The UPhD GREEN conference is focused on researches carried out within the framework of PhD programs that investigate the issue of sustainable development, referring to spatial planning and urban environment design. The fourth edition of the conference proposes a reflection on the socio-ecological transition, also in the light of policies and measures such as the Just Transition Found of the European Union and the Dasgupta Review promoted by the British government. They bring to attention the strong mutual influence between ecosystem processes and socio-economic activities. la forte reciproca influenza tra processi ecosistemici e attività socio-economiche.

Theoretical, methodological, and operational solutions to promote social-ecological transition that have been developed by young researchers in their doctoral research will be discussed to increase their impact.


Institutional greetings:
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President

Opening of the conference
“Socio-ecological transition: key issues and current challenges”
Valeria Saiu, University of Cagliari, INU – URBIT
Claudia Trillo, University of Salford, INU – URBIT

First session
Chairs: Chiara Ravagnan, Luana di Lodovico


“Environmental sustainability, urban regeneration and Net Zero-Energy District: Strategies, European Programmes and implementation instruments”
Simona Barbaro
“Urban regeneration strategies in the era of ecological transition. What future for seaside cities?”
Marsia Marino
“Complex legacies. Urbanised deltas between waters, heritages, cities”
Giulia Luciani
“Public city and urban welfare. Right to mobility and social inclusion in regeneration strategies”
Chiara Amato
“The historic city and the new urban issue. Strategies and tools for regeneration in the local urban master plan”
Giulia Bevilacqua
“‘Trans-scalar architecture for resilient habitats in inner suburbs’
Maria Giada Baldassarre
“Matera and the territories of food. Models of innovation for the food system and the valorisation of rural landscapes through food policies and the creative processes of agro-industry”
Vittoria Santarsiero
“Green communities and strategic development of inland areas”
Valentina Ciuffreda
“Field architectures. Farmstead as a new centre of the landscape transformations in Sardinia”
Roberto Sanna
“The bio-urban approach for the regeneration of territories. From smart city to smart land”
Lucia Chieffallo
“Soft architecture: contemporary life between new spaces and technologies”
Dajla Riera

Second session
Chair: Maurizio Errigo


“Circular cities. A holistic approach to support innovation and circular urban development”
Giulia Marzani
“Eco-Trento: climate-proof urban regeneration for a more liveable and welcoming city”
Anna Codemo, Silvia Mannocci
“Climate-change and urban regeneration strategies to face global environmental challenges in major coastal and port areas. Case studies: United States, France, Germany and Canada”
Maria Racioppi
“Flood risk management for an ecosystemic reaction to climate change effects in local planning. Theoretical-methodological and operational references for the definition of “urban risk” and the proposal of ‘nature-based’ adaptive solutions”
Gabriele Pastore

“Operationalisation of climate risk management in local urban planning”
Vittore Negretto
“Composition of future residual waterscape spaces: the case of the Po Delta”
Rosa Grasso
“Urban Green Infrastructure and spatial planning. A key driver for regenerating the contemporary city?”
Valeria Vitulano
“Green Infrastructure in the consolidated city for the protection of cultural heritage from climate change risks”
Maria Stella Lux

Silvia Brini, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), Coordinatrice del Gruppo di lavoro Goal 11 “Città e Comunità sostenibili” di Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASVIS)
Eva Ratti, PhD in Astrofisica, Co-fondatrice di Find Your Doctor (FYD)

Talks by members of the Scientific Committee

Presentation of the call for papers for the special magazine Urban Planning and Design (ICE Publishing) that will be dedicated to the themes of the conference.
