Regenerating space to shape the future

The restoration of the former Tanneries complex in Fabriano by Fondazione Carifac is the starting point for a broader project aimed at regenerating the local community. The complex becomes a cultural center capable of spreading values and knowledge inherited from the past, promoting contamination with the creativity of the current community.

In order to bring back the “botteghe degli antichi mestieri(ancient crafts workshops), the Carifac Foundation has created a creative cultural incubator with Cartiera Aperta and Scuola Internazionale dei Mestieri d’Arte.

Particular attention has been given to the education of new generations in the production of handmade paper and chiaroscuro…


Davide Ponzini, Zachary Jones, Nicole De Togni, Stefano Di Vita, DAStU, Milan Polytechnic University

In the past, many cities have used major events to support their urban plans and projects, develop tourism or improve their visibility. The focus has often been on creating new infrastructure for sport or culture. Recently, some organizers of major events, including the Olympics, have preferred to intervene in the urban fabric and use existing structures, renovating them or adapting them for new purposes. For historical and heritage cities, this change represents an opportunity for development but also a risk to their heritage. The ‘Charter for…