LOC – Loreto Open Community: the spirit of the Milan of the future in the new vision of Nhood real estate

LOC – Loreto Open Community is the project that won the international call C40 Reinventing Cities for the urban regeneration of Piazzale Loreto in Milan with a team led by the company Nhood as investor and developer.

Nhood Services Italy S.p.A. is one of the main actors in the real estate industry in Italy specializing in urban redevelopment, as well as an important player in the commercial sector, which is part of AFM (Association Familiale Mulliez). Founded in 2021, it is a new company specialized in real estate consulting and services that develops new neighborhoods and mixed-use living places on…

The project “Modena. Dwelling after the pandemic: the city in the neighbourhood”

The project “Modena. Abitare dopo la pandemia: la città nel quartiere” (Modena. Dwelling after the pandemic: the city in the neighbourhood) focuses on social housing as the main lever to regenerate an area of the city where conditions of physical and social degradation persist, where housing discomfort is particularly acute, to build a model of widespread condominium, made up of housing, spaces and neighbourhood services, redeveloped and put in relation with each other to improve the liveability and urban quality of the city, without new land consumption.

The project proposal aims to regenerate a large urban area in the north…

“HUBitare. Inclusive and sustainable living village”

The idea of the project is based on combining past and future, architectural quality and environmental sustainability to regenerate an abandoned industrial site and transform it into a new multifunctional settlement pole able to give a new centrality to the whole area, in accordance with the objective of reconnecting a fragmented urban fabric, while keeping high environmental standards and bringing benefits in synergy with other interventions, such as the new Hospital Centre, under construction in the district.

Hubitare consists of the construction of a new housing settlement of social housing which will be accompanied by interventions aimed at providing the…

Inhabiting the regeneration. Project MAS (Mosaic Solidarity Housing)

Regeneration, Sustainability and Inclusion. These are the essential points that summarize the lines of intervention of the public social housing project of the City of Parma MAS (Mosaic Housing Solidarity) admitted to funding within the framework of the ministerial competition PINQuA – Integrated Program for the Quality of Living, included in the PNRR. The project adopts a differentiated design, developed by the design company Policreo Srl and implemented through various public entities (Parma Infrastrutture Spa, A.S.P. Ad Personam and ACER Parma), in which urban regeneration and housing quality play a key role, as well as the conversion of buildings…

PINQua: the projects of the National Innovative Housing Quality Program

Stefano Stanghellini, honorary President INU

In the framework of urban regeneration and public-private partnership, Urbanpromo presents the projects that stand out in the national panorama for the strong innovative character of their approaches and contents.
The initiative is configured as an important opportunity for presentation and discussion on PINQua: the projects of the National Innovative Housing Quality Program. Among the proposals eligible for state funding, a selection of projects will be presented that pursue urban regeneration, reduce housing poverty and promote social inclusion. The comparative analysis aims to highlight and enhance the specific content of each, the possibilities for integration…