A platform for the management of collective spaces and the organization of Social Housing activities

Coop Umbria Casa, a housing cooperative, has for years been the largest private company operating in Umbria in the field of social housing (it has over 5,000 members, the realization of investment funds and real estate in the region, dealing with property, facility and community management).

Today, the new challenge is to innovate cooperation also through an Urban Intelligence approach with a project that involves the creation of a digital platform capable of managing collective virtual spaces to be applied in social housing environments.

The project, realized in partnership with R&S Management, foresees the activation of monitoring tools and analysis of…

FIA – Housing Investment Fund

For over ten years, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has been committed to promoting and supporting the development of Private Social Housing through a fund of funds, the Housing Investment Fund (FIA), in which it is the reference investor (with 1 billion euros of capital, equal to about 50% of the total financial endowment) and manager through its subsidiary CDP Investimenti SGR. The FIA operates through an Integrated System of Funds (SIF): 29 local real estate funds, managed by 9 SGRs, whose reference investor is the FIA (with shares of between 33 and 80% of the total capital)…

New centers of hospitality and territorial aggregation

The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has supported the construction of 3 new social housing structures in the two regional capitals with a total contribution of € 1,530,000.

All initiatives are characterized by a social and functional mix and aim simultaneously at meeting housing needs, urban regeneration and social revitalization of the local context.

Ma.Ri. House is a temporary residence located in the Parella district in Turin for students, workers and families, with particular attention to conditions of social vulnerability and the gray belt, promoted by the association Insieme per Accogliere Onlus and managed by the Cooperativa Sociale Synergica. The structure,…


The social and urban transformations taking place – with the PinQUA and PNRR national programs and plans, need to innovate their conventional framework. The experience of the Carroceto Urbanization Consortium and the City of Aprilia (LT), currently being implemented, offers a framework of services updated to the new uses of the city and its living.

The City for All Ages aims to put in place, towards the near future, a multipurpose plexus of public and private services, which focuses on global accessibility, sustainable mobility, the quality of living and life of citizens of different ages, from the youngest to the…

Cesena Social Housing

Located in the historic center of Cesena, Palazzo Roverella historically represents a place not permeable with the external context, despite being crossed by passages and access doors that connect the public streets and has a central position and barycentric to the system of squares and functions of urban rank. Its historical function, settled in the memory of the city – shelter for the elderly, the “vecchioni” – makes it a place perceived as marginal, closed within itself, not connected with the surrounding urban system. Its centrality, however, is the added value to be able to build a strategy of…

The opportunities of urban regeneration: towards a new living dimension


Rete Cooperativa 110 is a successful example of cooperation among cooperators in Umbria. A pool of transversal enterprises coming from various sectors and supported by Legacoop Umbria to respond in an aggregated way to the needs of the bonuses in force and that wants to propose itself as a partner of public entities for the realizations planned by PNRR and PINQUA. Through these opportunities, the goal of the Network is to rethink spaces and houses for the needs of those who will live them, both for social housing and for senior housing, creating social welfare, redeveloping and enhancing the…


InvestiRE Sgr has played a leading role over the last ten years on the national scene – through the management of ethical real estate funds dedicated to social housing participated by the Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare (Investment Fund for Housing) managed by CDP Immobiliare SGR – in the creation of social value through urban regeneration.
Collaboration with local public and private stakeholders, including the consolidated partnership with the world of foundations, has enabled InvestiRE to specialize in the redevelopment of disused and degraded assets in city centres, contributing to not only urban but also social regeneration with the activation of…

Liguria Social Housing Fund: Boero project. The neighborhood that regenerates

The Boero project is an initiative to regenerate an industrial area that was once the site of the Boero paint factory of the same name, in the center of the Molassana neighborhood.

The intervention consisted in the realization of private services under special agreements, among which a nursery school, and about 170 apartments, offered, through a private call for applications, for rent with or without redemption and on sale, both free and under special agreements, divided between two tower buildings and two buildings in line organized around green areas.

The project was designed with the aim of revitalizing an abandoned area…

Regenerate City and Community: Post-Covid 19 Housing Quality Contest of Ideas

The pandemic lockdown has stimulated profound reflections on the home issue both in the dimension of social infrastructure and in living in proximity to the so-called “city of 15 minutes”.

The Tuscany Region, also taking advantage of the debate raised in this regard at national level, through the Housing Toscano Fund, managed by InvestiRE Sgr and participated among others by the Investment Fund for Living managed by CDP Immobiliare Sgr, has promoted a competition of ideas aimed at stimulating the search for new “post-pandemic” housing models.

The competition was open to professional architecture and / or engineering firms with the aim…


Curated by Cariplo Foundation, FHS, Compagnia di San Paolo Faoundation, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation, INU. With the participation of CDP Immobiliare Sgr

The plenary session of the second day of the Social Housing insight is dedicated to the following two guide themes:

  • The efficient and effective use of PNRR (Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan) financial resources and other available public resources
  • The development of digital services to improve the quality of housing.

In this session the two themes are distinct, unlike the first day, and they are discussed by speakers who will form two different panels.

The partnership between the…