The social and urban transformations taking place – with the PinQUA and PNRR national programs and plans, need to innovate their conventional framework. The experience of the Carroceto Urbanization Consortium and the City of Aprilia (LT), currently being implemented, offers a framework of services updated to the new uses of the city and its living.

The City for All Ages aims to put in place, towards the near future, a multipurpose plexus of public and private services, which focuses on global accessibility, sustainable mobility, the quality of living and life of citizens of different ages, from the youngest to the oldest.

The project, to be carried out in the still available areas of the subdivision, on the areas for sale for services and public function of the plan, is internal to the PinQUA of the Municipality of Aprilia, and is financed by Mims (Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility) 2021-22 .

The intervention is based on a Novative Urban Planning Agreement which updates the previous one and provides for new and flexible functions for public and private spaces to be used for social housing and for private living, service activities for users, hubs for mobility. sustainable, playful and recreational spaces. In line with the municipal and national reference objectives included in the Governance plan of the PNRR. The intervention develops an articulated urban organism that involves internal and external areas and their public functions.

The business complex is functional to the urban and socio-economic fabric, to improve the accessibility and safety of places, increasing the environmental quality. The strategic position of the intervention, well connected with the City of Rome, places it on the real estate market by updating the offer in a manner consistent with the demands of local and external users. The real estate offer is innovated in line with the new European and national housing policies for the Quality of Living.