404: Not Found “HUBitare. Inclusive and sustainable living village” – Edizione 2021 – EN

The idea of the project is based on combining past and future, architectural quality and environmental sustainability to regenerate an abandoned industrial site and transform it into a new multifunctional settlement pole able to give a new centrality to the whole area, in accordance with the objective of reconnecting a fragmented urban fabric, while keeping high environmental standards and bringing benefits in synergy with other interventions, such as the new Hospital Centre, under construction in the district.

Hubitare consists of the construction of a new housing settlement of social housing which will be accompanied by interventions aimed at providing the area with proximity services, assistance and personal care, inclusive common spaces, systems for the production of low-impact energy, green areas and community places for cultural participation of the community in order to ensure high standards of quality of living. The regeneration of some artifacts in the site, aims not only to enhance the important historical memory but also to redesign a new identity that generates new belonging and energy in the local community that can actively contribute to the regeneration process.

Hubitare is based on the application of a model of multi-actor collaboration centered on a principle of horizontal subsidiarity, which sees the public entity acting in partnership with private actors and the third sector in the construction of a common vision of the territory in the long term.