The proposal of the Municipality of Prato, candidate for the contribution to the interventions foreseen by the National Innovative Program for the Quality of Housing that finances proposals up to 15 million euros, concerns the district of Soccorso and Macrolotto Zero/San Paolo and is part of the strategies of the administration to increase the offer of public housing and regenerate degraded urban areas, characterized by housing tension and lack of services.

This policy has already been initiated through the realization of the PIU (Urban Innovation Project) and the undergrounding of the Declassata with the creation of the linear park of Soccorso. The proposal contains an organic set of interventions and measures, in strong synergy with each other, which respond to the strategies adopted by the Municipality to meet the needs that characterize the selected urban area.

There are two types of interventions in the PINQUA proposal:

  • Rehabilitation of existing buildings to dedicate to public housing, in which combine the improvement of architectural quality and energy performance;
  • Revitalization of public spaces by creating a new system of urban attractors able to relate the various areas between them and with the city context, in which to accommodate diversified functions, such as co-working, civic center, headquarters of associations, necessary for the development of urban regeneration strategies assumed.