404: Not Found The fil rouge of the urban regeneration of Andria: the landfill of the railway and the three new stations – Edizione 2021 – EN

The three projects, located in the urban areas of the stations, aim at the quality of living in the city, reconnecting the two fronts determined by the trench, under construction, overlaying or under-crossing the railway in several points designed for viability, bicycle and pedestrian paths, squares, public spaces, green areas, requalifying central and peripheral areas, ensuring the provision of housing, intermodality, walkability, cycling.

ARIA-Sustainable housing, Urban redevelopment, Infrastructure, Green areas -Andria North

WATER-Sustainable housing, Unions, Urban Quality, Green Areas -Andria Central

EARTH-Sustainable building transformations, Rurality, Renaturalization, Green areas-Andria South

Common objectives:

  • Increasing the availability of social housing with new subsidized housing, recovery of existing social housing and social housing interventions in partnership with consortia of companies;
  • Increased services with space dedicated to services for neighborhoods and the city;
  • Reuse of existing facilities and school spaces;
  • Ecological regeneration of public space/depaving, reducing heat island effect;
  • Interventions to support sustainable mobility;
  • Increase of naturalistic green and eco-systemic services;
  • Strengthening of “social alliances” with associations and networks, involvement in the management of goods.

The North area delocalizes the wholesale market in order to realize a cultural center; it requalifies the historical paths of the ancient Barletta street. It regenerates the marginal areas of the fabric towards the railway, it creates a public square at the station. The realization of housing + services increases the mix with new functions, improving the quality of living.

The Centro area reshapes the urban empty space of largo Appiani, reorganizes mobility, reconstructs the borders, enriches the station with a public space that intensifies the connections between the two parts of the city.

The South area completes the urban fabric and reconnects the city to the direction of Via Bisceglie, creating an underpass, pedestrian and cycle paths, the naturalization of the rocky ridge, overcoming the elevation gap.