Within the framework of EU rules and the Partnership Agreement, the Marche Region has identified ITIs-Integrated Territorial Investments as the most appropriate tool to support integrated actions, financed by the POR FESR 2014-20, able to maximize impacts and effects in urban areas.

The Municipality of Ancona, in coherence with the themes emerged from the Strategic Plan of the City- StrategicAncona2025, has identified the Ancona 3.0 Waterfront ITI program as a tool to implement a process of Urban Regeneration focused on the waterfront of the historic port, aimed at transforming Ancona from a city by the sea to a contemporary sea city.

The strategy seeks to build intersections of interests and development coalitions to pursue the following goals:

    • inducing a new sense of identity and belonging on the part of the community
    • Intercepting needs and planning of those subjects able to interpret the contemporary social and economic dynamics
    • enhancing the historical and cultural heritage of Ancona in relation to the port and the relationship with the sea
    • stimulating collaboration networks between knowledge-intensive subjects operating in the territory for the development of innovative technologies applied to themes linked to the sea, the port and the historical city
    • experimenting with concrete actions aimed at increasing urban quality in terms of environmental sustainability.

The ITI Waterfront activates an investment of about € 7,700,000 and has seen the definition of an inter-institutional partnership including the Municipality of Ancona, the Port Authority of the Central Adriatic Sea, the Superintendence of Architectural Heritage, Landscape and Archaeology of Marche and CNR – Institute for Biological Research and Biotechnology.