There are three proposals submitted by the metropolitan city of Bologna to the National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living (PINQUA) and admitted to funding for about € 45 million, developed on the territory of three Unions of Municipalities for a total of 27 interventions, between the flatlands and the Apennines. The proposals are linked by a unitary metropolitan strategy built around a broad definition of the concepts of housing and regeneration that enhances the territorial and metropolitan dimension, allowing to decline a concept of ‘periphery’ not limited to large urban areas, but which, on the contrary, includes the most marginal and fragile areas of the metropolitan system.

The experience of PinQua finds its place in the framework of metropolitan planning tools, with particular reference to the Metropolitan Territorial Plan (PTM), approved in May 2021, which makes urban and metropolitan regeneration a central objective. For this reason, it introduces contents and tools to guarantee the concrete implementation of regeneration interventions on the territory: the Plan establishes the Metropolitan Equalization Fund, in which part of the resources deriving from the great territorial transformations converge, with the aim of financing through these resources, the Metropolitan Regeneration Programs, through a solidarity mechanism that pays particular attention to fragile areas and the PinQua experience can be considered a first experimentation.