The metropolitan area of Chieti-Pescara hosts more than one fifth of the population of Abruzzo and presents a constant increase in population; on the contrary, Chieti sees a strong decrease in favor of the agricultural areas of the municipalities in the surrounding area, affected instead, by a phenomenon of constant land consumption.

The area most affected by depopulation is the historic center of the city of Chieti that currently appears disconnected from its metropolitan area especially for poor inter-connectivity and support services for housing and mobility.

The project “La Via Dei Conventi” aims to encourage processes of re-functionalization of the area, regeneration of the built environment and urban densification, with the aim of inverting the trend of depopulation by reducing land consumption through the recovery of large dismissed complexes and the enhancement of sustainable mobility.

The intervention, which is an important part of a broader strategy implemented within the north-west sector of the historic center, called “Le vie dei Conventi”, will include the construction of an underground parking lot in Piazza Garibaldi and a green area on the roof, the redevelopment of Via dei Sette Dolori, the walled gardens of S. Giovanni Battista, the regeneration of the former Convento delle Clarisse, the former convent of San Raffaele and that will host a college of merit for students, guest quarters, spaces for culture and co-working. Giovanni Battista, the regeneration of the Ex Convento delle Clarisse, of the Ex Convent of San Raffaele and that will host a college of merit for students, guest quarters, spaces for culture and co-working.