404: Not Found The project “Modena. Dwelling after the pandemic: the city in the neighbourhood” – Edizione 2021 – EN

The project “Modena. Abitare dopo la pandemia: la città nel quartiere” (Modena. Dwelling after the pandemic: the city in the neighbourhood) focuses on social housing as the main lever to regenerate an area of the city where conditions of physical and social degradation persist, where housing discomfort is particularly acute, to build a model of widespread condominium, made up of housing, spaces and neighbourhood services, redeveloped and put in relation with each other to improve the liveability and urban quality of the city, without new land consumption.

The project proposal aims to regenerate a large urban area in the north of the city, between the Nonantolana sector to the east, the former Consorzio Agrario sector to the south, the former Cattle Market sector with Via Finzi to the west and the ring road to the north;

In the project, as the main lever to regenerate the area, the supply of rental housing is increased. The new housing interventions are integrated with the existing fabric by creating opportunities and common services for the inhabitants of different contiguous contexts, optimizing resources and enhancing the available spaces, to improve the quality of living and dwelling. It means to give life to a neighborhood ecosystem characterized by proximity, traffic reduction, increase of green, social inclusion, neighborhood relationships, regeneration of spaces and widespread security.