The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has supported the construction of 3 new social housing structures in the two regional capitals with a total contribution of € 1,530,000.

All initiatives are characterized by a social and functional mix and aim simultaneously at meeting housing needs, urban regeneration and social revitalization of the local context.

Ma.Ri. House is a temporary residence located in the Parella district in Turin for students, workers and families, with particular attention to conditions of social vulnerability and the gray belt, promoted by the association Insieme per Accogliere Onlus and managed by the Cooperativa Sociale Synergica. The structure, surrounded by 5,000 square meters of green area, is not only a residence for social housing, but also a place that is complementary and osmotic to the territory of which it is part and that aspires to increase the quality of individual and collective life through services and opportunities in favor of citizenship. Ma.Ri. House has single or double rooms, furnished and with bathroom, to accommodate up to 65 people, as well as common areas reserved for guests. The Residence was launched in June 2021 (info on

Cascina Filanda is an intervention of recovery and re-functionalization of an abandoned building in the Borgata Rosa district of Turin, at the entrance of Meisino Park, with the intent to activate a territorial hub that involves the resources of the context by promoting an open and inclusive community.

The Residence, managed by Co-abitare social enterprise, provides 15 studios, 14 double rooms and 1 accommodation for the guardian, for a total reception of 58 people, as well as common areas for cultural and aggregative activities, services for guests and for the neighborhood and an outdoor area of about 3,000 square meters.

The social mix, made up of people with housing problems, city users and occasional visitors, is flanked by a functional mix of social housing, tourist accommodation, seminar and meeting rooms, and services open to citizens. Start of Residence at the end of 2021.

Vico del Teatro Nazionale recovers a building owned by the City of Genoa adjacent to the Teatro della Tosse, in the heart of the historic center, in a regenerated and dynamic area full of different activities and associations. The building will be composed of 8 accommodations ranging in size from 50 to 80 square meters, 5 of which are intended for people in housing stress and 3 for city users and occasional visitors, two rooms for internal common activities for the use of guests or possibly for third parties, as well as a flat roof terrace. The renovation will make the building accessible and sustainable from an environmental and energy point of view with a view to reducing operating costs. The management of the Residence will be assigned to the Social Cooperative Il Ce.Sto that will also be responsible for promoting positive relationships between the Residence and the neighborhood for a mutual enhancement. Intervention under construction.