Coop Umbria Casa, a housing cooperative, has for years been the largest private company operating in Umbria in the field of social housing (it has over 5,000 members, the realization of investment funds and real estate in the region, dealing with property, facility and community management).

Today, the new challenge is to innovate cooperation also through an Urban Intelligence approach with a project that involves the creation of a digital platform capable of managing collective virtual spaces to be applied in social housing environments.

The project, realized in partnership with R&S Management, foresees the activation of monitoring tools and analysis of psycho-social processes of the community with the elaboration of feedback in real time, in order to detect and solve possible critical situations.

The model provides two functions: a portal accessible for the exclusive use of registered residents that will provide useful tools for the organization of the community, the management of spaces and equipment and a back end, accessible only to the manager of the service, which will provide all the necessary tools to manage the community.

Within the portal, registered users will be able to: view news, notices and important communications; consult initiatives, activities, events and propose them; check available places, regulations and available equipment; make reports and finally, consult all the profiles of members and activities in which they participate or promote.

The service manager, through its back end, will be able to have a complete registry of registered users, a calendar function to promote and distribute initiatives proposed by users, manage reports and all general supervision functions.