404: Not Found How to participate – Edizione 2022 – EN


From October 11th to 14th, the conferences can be attended in three ways:

  • at Cascina Fossata in Turin;
  • via Urbanpromo’s Zoom platform;
  • in streaming on urbanpromo.it directly from the pages of each conference.

Participation in the initiatives, in-person or via webinars and streaming, is free of charge.

In-person participation at Cascina Fossata:

  • you can accredit using the unique registration form at the bottom of this page and available on the individual conference pages;
  • seating is not guaranteed. Entrance to the conference rooms is permitted until the maximum capacity allowed is reached.

Remote participation via Zoom:

  • you can accredit using the forms provided for the initiatives available at the bottom of this page and on individual conference pages;
  • the system registers the registration and sends confirmation and reminder emails;
  • the link is personal and non-transferable.

You can also follow the event in streaming mode on the urbanpromo.it website from each conference page or directly from Youtube. Access is free upon free registration at the site.


To participate in attendance at Cascina Fossata (single form):


To participate in webinars on Zoom platform (individual modules):

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


[social housing] First session. First module: scenario elements. Second module: regenerating parts of cities through system projects
[city] The cultural driver of urban regeneration. PNRR and Culture, from Villages to Artificial Intelligence
[green] Materials and technologies for sustainable and socially inclusive construction


[social housing] Second session. Reading the city in transformation to dialogue with the inhabitants
[city] The regeneration of urban public spaces
[city] Reflections on regional territorial planning. A comparison between the regions of Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia and Veneto
[green] Projects and policies for urban biodiversity and sustainable land management
[green] How to reverse the processes of landscape degradation

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


[social housing] Third session. First module: The response of institutional actors to the evolutionary dynamics of cities and emerging needs: an overview of the main instruments in force. Second module: Inhabiting the community, German society between identity and inclusion
[Cities] The cultural driver of urban regeneration. New protagonists of regeneration: city networks
[city] A deal for urbanism cities accessible for all. From eight Italian cities solutions to govern fragmentation toward a country vision
[green] Ecosystem services and land-use planning: application paths between Research and Public Administration


[social housing] Fourth session. First module: Banking Foundations for the social and cultural and economic development of cities. What integrations with PNRR resources? Second module: ESG factors in social housing and urban regeneration investments
[Cities] After 30 years. Acquisition of meaning of metropolitan cities. The PNRR, with the composition of PUI, has led to the emergence of different paths of recognition and belonging to metropolitan cities
[green] Energy for the city: yesterday, today, tomorrow
[green] Active mobility cares for the city: policies, plans, and projects for urban well-being
[green] Attractiveness, best practices, and large area projects: the puzzle of rural territories

Thursday, October 13, 2022


[city] Regenerating Cities and Communities. Social housing in Italy managed by InvestiRE
[city] The urban plan of cities and its implementation through PNRR calls: opportunities and critical issues
[city] Tourism and PNRR
[green] Post-unlock from territorial vulnerabilities to local resilience
[green] Purchase, collection, and redistribution of food: transformative practices within local communities


[city] Reviving parts of abandoned or under-used cities (to follow: URBANISTICA Prize)
[city] The regeneration of the economic tissues of proximity. Data and knowledge of urban phenomena to guide decision-making processes
[city] The choice of discount essay in private and public valuations. Risk, time, value in urban development challenges. First session
[city] Cooperative Urban Transitions
[green] Renewable energy communities

Friday, October 14, 2022


[city] What public city after the PNRR? PINQuAs and other funding lines
[digital] The forms of the future: digital technologies to support territorial resilience. First session
[green] The choice of discount essay in private and public valuations. Risk, time, value in urban development challenges. Second session
[green] UPhD Green. Collaborative Sustainability


[digital] The forms of the future: digital technologies to support territorial resilience. Second session
[green] The extension of evaluative practices: the DNSH principle
[green] Wetland governance. Active wetland area contracts in the North Adriatic coast: synergies and critical issues
[green] Urban food agendas. The Living Lab tool as a promoter of new food models


Panelists can participate either in person at Cascina Fossata or by remote connection.

For more information write to: convegni@urbit.it


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