ISMed is inspired by a Vision of a Mediterranean of peace and prosperity, based on the values that unite the countries of the area.

It stems from the idea that the Mediterranean can be an opportunity for growth and development both for the richest countries of the northern shore and for those of the southern shore and the awareness that scientific research is the tool to concretize these opportunities.

The mission of the Institute of Mediterranean Studies is to study the dynamics and nature of the processes of growth and development of the countries of the area. The regional focus stems from the strategic centrality of the Mediterranean both on the geo-economic and political level. The geographical position at the intersection of three continents makes this sea the center of gravity of the traffic of goods, energy resources, men and technologies between North and South and between East and West. At a geopolitical level, support for the political transition taking place in the countries of the southern shore, the fight against terrorism and the management of migration flows, which are closely linked, make dialogue between Europe and the Mediterranean inevitable. Reading such a complex and rapidly evolving reality requires multidisciplinary analysis capable of intersecting historical, economic, geographical and sociological models and methodologies, with the aim of analysing the short- and long-term growth trajectories of euro area countries. These dynamics, in fact, have peculiarities that can hardly emerge from analyses focused on individual countries or on micro areas. The ultimate aim is to provide interpretative theories of phenomena, projections on possible future scenarios and policy guidelines that can support targeted interventions to reduce imbalances and stimulate the growth of the area.

The research activities are based on some fundamental thematic axes that, enhancing the scientific expertise of the institute, aim to describe different aspects of the Mediterranean countries through:

  • the analysis of development processes and of the regional dualism that sees the contrast and persistence of functional dependence between poor and rich areas;
  • the comparative and prospective analysis of governance processes, the institutions’ training processes and their functioning in the European and Euro-Mediterranean context;
  • the study of territory, environment and landscape as factors of development and stability;
  • the study of trade flows and logistics;
  • the study of migrations and socio-cultural phenomena.

More specifically, the research presented at Urbanpromo 2022 has the following objectives:

  • Define and identify the types of risk and the main types of overlap between them in the sites;
  • Identify which are the main places that are – or could be – subject to multiple risks for case studies;
  • Propose methodologies to analyze the places affected by multiple risks in order to be able to direct research, plans, programs towards sustainable and inclusive solutions in terms of adaptation and regeneration in its triple meaning;
  • Implement guidelines for resilience in multi-risk areas.