Grazia Brunetta, Carolina Giaimo, Patrizia Lombardi, Angioletta Voghera, Dist/PoliTo

The Post-Unlock research, developed and conducted in the context of the Dist Department of Excellence 2018-2022, is rooted in the themes of knowledge of anthropogenic and natural hazards and territorial vulnerabilities but also in the development of integrated policies for climate governance.
The Post-Unlock research was developed and conducted by a large group of R3C researchers – also from other departments of the Polytechnic and the University of Turin – and institutions with the aim of defining, through an interdisciplinary cognitive paradigm, an ideal-typical scenario of innovation in the governance of the city and the territory to 2030, supporting institutions in the challenge of resilience and the circular economy, introducing and testing a model of territorial planning and organization: ‘Local Resilience Units’ (URLs) to promote place-based innovation strategies for the adaptation of territories.
The outcomes of the research are published in the volume (edited by) Brunetta G., Lombardi P., and Voghera A., Post Un-Lock. From territorial vulnerabilities to local resilience, Springer open access, 2022.

9.00 a.m. hall entrance

9.30 a.m. start of proceedings


“Themes of research”
Angioletta Voghera, Dist-R3C, Politecnico di Torino


“Resilient cities and territories”.
Grazia Brunetta, Dist-R3C, Politecnico di Torino

“Technologies and analysis to support the circular and resilient city”.
Patrizia Lombardi, Dist-R3C, Politecnico di Torino

“Environmental and Social Welfare
Carolina Giaimo, Dist-R3C, Politecnico di Torino

Round table:
“The innovation perspectives of territorial government institutions”.

Coordinated by:
Andrea Arcidiacono, Vice President INU and Politecnico di Milano

Alice Siragusa, Joint Rersearch Centre, team leader of the JRC project on Localising SDGs
Flavia Terribile, MIMS, Advisor to the Minister and member of the CIPU
Stefania Crotta, Piedmont Region, Director Environment, Energy, Territory
Irene Mortari, Metropolitan City of Turin, Head of General Spatial Planning
Emanuela Canevaro, City of Turin, Director of Urban Planning and Quality of the Built Environment Division

Q&A session
