Carlo Alberto Barbieri, INU – URBIT, Stefania Crotta e Giovanni Paludi, Regione Piemonte

The conference proposes a seminar-like discussion among a number of regions that are facing or have just faced critical issues and opportunities given by a revision of their spatial planning instruments within a  context of continuous and sudden change, characterized by the almost uninterrupted succession of a series of crises (economic, pandemic, geopolitical and energetic).

The choice fell on the Regions of Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia and Veneto – representatives of Northern Italy and all currently engaged in these processes – to question whether the occasion could be propitious to start a season of planning, representing an innovative reference for the government of the territory and stable in the construction of policies up to today’s difficulties.

Starting from the regional case studies, the discussion will focus on some issues of more general interest such as:

  • What are the main issues on the regional planning agenda today?
  • What is the relationship between the spatial planning instrument, landscape planning and other levels and instruments of spatial planning?
  • What are the links between technical means and policy directions?

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings


Introduced by:

Carlo Alberto Barbieri, INU – URBIT
Fabio Carosso, Vice President and Councillor for Piemonte Region

Coordinated by:

Carlo Alberto Barbieri, INU – URBIT
Stefania Crotta, Piemonte Regione Director


Giovanni Paludi, Piemonte Region Executive
Anna Celenza, Liguria Region Executive
Maurizio Federici, Lombardia Region Executive
Salvina Sist, Veneto Region Executive
Elena Marchigiani, Urbanistica Informazioni National Editor.

Q&A session.
