Edited by CDP Immobiliare Sgr

The session presents the measures envisaged by the PNRR (NRP) – Measure M1.C3.4 Tourism 4.0 – for the improvement of tourist accommodation facilities and tourism services, with the dual objective of raising the competitive capacity of businesses and promoting a tourism offer based on environmental sustainability, innovation and digitalization of services.

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings


Introduced and coordinated by:

Alessandra Susanna, Head of Technical Secretariat and Business Projects, CDP Immobiliare Sgr


“Scenario and market analysis: the Italian tourism sector”.
Fabio Braidotti, Partner Hospitality E&Y

“Impact of Tourism on the Territory and Opportunities arising from the PNRR”.
Cristina Dell’Aquila, CDP Sector Strategies and Impact

“M1C3: Integrated Funds for the Competitiveness of Tourism Enterprises”.
Stefano Mantella, UdM responsible for the PNRR, Ministry of Tourism

“M1C3 Sustainable Tourism Fund (EIB) and other interventions”.
Mariateresa Di Giacomo, Head of Unit Financial Instruments Italy and Malta, European Investment Bank

“Fondo Nazionale del Turismo (CDPI Sgr): Objectives and focus on the Fund for the enhancement, competitiveness and protection of the receptive heritage, participated and financed by the Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) through the use of 150 million PNRR resources. Objectives and update”
Chiara Caruso, Head of Tourism Funds CDP Immobiliare Sgr

