Legacoop Abitanti, Legacoop Sociali

The looming social crisis and transformative processes in cities and territories both highlight the need for cooperation.

More recent transformations have been an opportunity to rearrange “how things are done” within the sphere of social and inhabitants’ cooperation moving towards a more transversal approach to action and global sustainability; relations between institutions and society, public administration, and social economy protagonists were also re-thought to build common languages and share collective goals through ways not only made upon listening but foremost upon inclusion, participation, deliberation of different interests.

Legacoop Sociali and Legacoop Abitanti present “Cooperative Urban Transitions”, a publishing project launched by Barberini Foundation:
a study aimed at the construction of tools for co-design and impact assessment – carried out together with the Politecnico di Milano (Real Estate Center REC, laboratory of the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Built Environment and Tiresia, research center of the Department of Management Engineering) and with the support of Coopfond – where cooperation is proposed as s system for enterprises in a cooperative supply chain perspective, understood not as a sequential chain of functions, but as the production of value through the hybridization of skills and resources, having the role of public entities advisors. Thanks to this initiative new projects that activated networks and managed complex partnerships will also be disclosed, being observed through the lens of design and evaluation tools and brought into a dialogue with public administration interlocutors.

2:00 p.m. Hall entrance

2:30 p.m. Starting of proceedings


Introduced and moderated by:

Roberto Lippi, Director of Barberini Foundation


Urban Cooperative Transitions:

Angela Silvia Pavesi and Genny Cia, Real Estate Center of the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Built Environment, Politecnico di Milano
Valentina Tosi, Tiresia -School of Management, Politecnico di Milano
Paola Bellotti, Director of Sustainability and Development Area, Coopfond
Carlo Cellamare, Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, La Sapienza University of Rome


Systemic challenges of urban regeneration and Cooperation:

Eleonora Vanni, President of Legacoopsociali
Rossana Zaccaria, President of Legacoop Abitanti

“Solidarity Hospitality”
Sara Travaglini, President of Dar Casa Cooperative

“Make the Right Home.”
Tancredi Attinà, Vice President of Coopertoscana
Giulia Maraviglia, Sociolab Cooperative Society and Social Enterprise
David Pasqualetti, Manager of the Technical Sector for Mental Health, Addiction and Marginality “Cooperativa Sociale G. Di Vittorio”
Michele Vignali, President Coob Consortium of Social Cooperatives for Work Inclusion

“Integration between management models and technology to improve environmental, social and economic sustainability: the C.N.S. – FINABITA proposal”
Luigi Zucchelli, Director of Integrated Technical and Development Area C.N.S.
Fabio Bastianelli, Director of Finabita Spa

“Gandusio Village”
Maria Sole Spagoni, Social mediation and community work project coordinator for Open Group Cooperative

“Senior Housing Nichelino”
Massimo Rizzo, President of Cooperative G. Di Vittorio TO

“Neighborhood – Kaleidoscope Laboratory”
Luca Borghi, President Cooperative Andria
Francesco Peggi, Cooperative Educator


Regenerating the relationship with Public Administration:

Marcello Capucci, Head of Urban Quality and Housing Policies Service, Emilia-Romagna Region
Serena Spinelli, Councillor for Social Policies, Public Housing and International Cooperation, Tuscany Region
Chiara Caucino, Councillor for Childhood, Parenting and the Role of the Family in Children’s Policies, Housing Policies Piemonte Region
Alan Christian Rizzi, Councillor for Housing and Social Housing, Lombardia Region
