Stefano Stanghellini, INU – URBIT

Community resources earmarked for the redevelopment and renovation of the infrastructure, equipment, and buildings that make up the “public city” – especially those made available by the PNRR – constitute an extraordinary historical opportunity for the Administrations of our cities. Their use within the framework of urban value programs, such as the PINQuAs, as well as the integration of works in the urban space that can be carried out by means of several streams of investment, deserve to be fostered, known, and valued because they are functional for the regeneration of parts of the city.

Last year’s edition was dedicated to an extensive review of PINQuAs, thus this year Urbanpromo aim is to present additional PINQuA projects that were positively evaluated and funded by MIMS. At the same time, Urbanpromo broadens its survey to include the experiences of those municipalities that are both waiting to contract the works envisaged by their PINQuAs and working to acquire additional resources so as to expand their activities to regenerate urban fabrics hitherto unable to offer their residents a “public city” that meets their needs and expectations.

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings


Introduction and coordination by:

Stefano Stanghellini, INU-URBIT

Discussion with the speakers moderated by:

Gianni Biagi, URBIT President, and Paolo Galuzzi, Director of Urbanistica


PINQuAs, Innovative Programs for Housing Quality

Lecturers still to be confirmed


The implementation of urban plans and programs through the integration of funding sources in the urban space

Lecturers still to be confirmes
