New poles for hospitality and territorial aggregation

The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation supported the construction of 2 new social housing structures in Turin with a total grant of € 895,000.

Both initiatives are characterised by a social and functional mix and aim simultaneously at meeting housing needs, urban regeneration and the social revitalisation of the local context. They are configured as territorial hubs involving the context’s resources and citizens, promoting an open and inclusive community, regenerating structures and territory, offering opportunities and spaces for meeting, positive and regenerative relations, cultural, aggregative, educational and sports activities in areas of the city in need of urban animation.

Ma.Ri. House…


The Technical – Scientific Commitee of Social Housing

The third session is divided into two modules. The first provides an overall picture of the investments being made thanks to the resources of the PNRR and the Community programming: this is the basic information that underlies the individual projects studied in Urbanpromo. The second module will compare the Italian experience to the European one. Following the participation of France and the United Kingdom as guests in previous editions of Urbanpromo, this year will feature representation from Germany. The German housing system, which focuses on rentals, examines social solutions,…