Sharing spaces, including differences: this name underlines the message and the goals that this new facility inaugurated in May 2022 in the Arpini district of Orbassano intends to offer: to provide an answer to the housing discomfort in the area and to develop a new residential service specifically dedicated to the integration of people with severe motor disabilities, in collaboration with the “Gruppo di Aiuto e Sostegno del Disagio Abitativo delle Persone con gravi disabilità” (Group for the Help and Support of Housing Discomfort for People with Severe Disabilities).

The project envisaged by Cooperativa Giuseppe Di Vittorio, FASP and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, InvestiRE SGR (a leading Italian operator in the management of real estate investment funds including FASP, characterised by a strong specialisation in social housing projects), Città di Orbassano and CDP Investimenti SGR (of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group) was designed to make three objectives consistent: to design shared spaces building them by favouring the inclusion of people with special needs, and creating an economic balance to make it possible to apply social rents.

The project, promoted by the ‘Fondo Abitare Sostenibile Piemonte (FASP)‘, participated by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (through the Fund Investimenti per l’Abitare – FIA) and the major Piedmontese banking foundations, is dedicated to the development of social housing initiatives in the Piedmont region.

The Cooperativa Giuseppe Di Vittorio is the entity that has implemented the project – in agreement with the institutions, the funders and the FASP – and manages a structure that covers an area of approximately 6,700 square metres divided into 69 flats of different types (two-room, three-room, four-room and penthouse flats), 7 apartments of which are dedicated to people with motor disabilities, in particular with spinal cord injuries and neurovegetative pathologies.

With this project, a new dimension is addressed: that of inclusion thanks to the possibility of living the condition of disability in a residential complex without obstacles and separations, with other normal families. This dimension is possible thanks to the characteristics with which the flats, the common areas, the external access parts towards the housing units, as well as the organisation of the social activities that will take place in special areas of the complex manned by specialised third sector associations have been designed and built. Everything has been designed with particular attention to the needs of persons with disabilities in order to allow their usability and thus greater integration with community life.

The activities and works specifically designed for the construction of the component dedicated to people with disabilities have been supported by the Compagnia with an additional contribution of €350,000, in addition to the funds invested in the FASP, because of its commitment to the promotion of independent living for people with disabilities and paths for the development of autonomy, with the aim of creating a community that not only shares spaces but a new way of “living together”.