From October 11th to the 19th 2022, the 19th edition of “Urbanpromo Progetti per il Paese” will be held in Turin, at Cascina Fossata. In the framework context of urban regeneration and public-private partnership, projects and initiatives are presented that stand out on the national scene for the strong innovative nature of their approaches and their contents. To present them are their protagonists: public and private promoters, designers, and managers.

Urbanpromo 2022 unites the four major themes that have emerged from observations of the field over time.
In chronological order they are: City, Social Housing, Green and Digital.
The “Urbanpromo City” orients the focus of the event on the urban transformations of the city, placing issues that are of particular importance today at the center of the attention.

The first and most prominent of these is made up of projects created for cities by the resources of the PNRR – National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Urbanpromo will be the qualified venue for the presentation of the most important projects financed as a result of the calls issued in the PNRR missions of interest to the city: PINQuA, PUI, Borghi.

  • PINQuA: the projects of the National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living. Urbanpromo 2022 will showcase the progress of the PINQuA projects funded by MIMS. A selection of the best projects that meet the objectives of the Program will be presented: reducing the degradation of the suburbs, improving the efficiency of public housing, and urban regeneration.
  • PUI: Integrated Urban Plans. The projects identified by the Metropolitan Cities that are aimed at improving large degraded urban areas along three lines will be presented: the re-functionalization of public spaces and structures, the enhancement of services and cultural and sporting activities; the development of smart cities, with particular focus on transport and energy consumption.
  • Attractiveness of the “Borghi”. The focus will be on funded projects that aim to achieve socio-economic revitalization together with the recovery of the historical-artistic heritage of uninhabited or declining villages, or even local cultural regeneration projects to counteract the depopulation of these areas.

The projects financed by the PNRR will be showcased in unique presentations, specifically dedicated to them based on received reports, or placed in conferences that contextualize the projects within broader urban frameworks.

Among the latter, the following presentations are being developed:

  • The formation of new General Urban Plans, the provisions of which have already been partially implemented thanks to the PNRR resources previously acquired in by municipalities. Urbanpromo will be the venue for the presentation, analysis and comparison between cities whos administrations stand out for their ability to look to the future and acquire. This selection process is in progress.
  • The PNRR is an opportunity for Metropolitan Cities to unleash their ability to coordinate. Some Metropolitan Cities, already engaged in strategic and territorial planning, are showing that they are able to effectively carry out an essential coordination role bringing together small municipalities and their unions to participate in PNRR initiatives. Sometimes this coordination and the related granting of resources are transformed into more articulated territorial rebalancing policies. This selection process is in progress.
  • The cultural driver of urban regeneration. PNRR and Culture: from Villages to Artificial Intelligence. Culture is a powerful element to drive the processes of development and change. Within this framework, a selection of the projects financed under Investment 2.1 will be presented and open a discussion – in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and the Network of Creative Cities – on the territorial enhancements that the Italian Capitals of Culture, starting from Procida, have built or intend to build.

Further themes are will be developed. Among others we recommend:

The approaches to urban regeneration practiced by stakeholders in the private sector. The utility of public-private and public-social partnerships through the presentation of representative cases.

The co-design and co-management of abandoned urban public spaces to be regenerated. Presentation of experiences and analysis of design methodologies.

The strategic role of the tertiary sector for the vitality of urban landscape.

The construction industry in the years of the PNRR and the war in Ukraine. The dynamics of supply, demand, and costs. The effects on public and private investments in urban regeneration.

The temporal factors within evaluations. The consideration of discount rates in private and public evaluations. The theoretical and operational aspects related to the choice of the appraisal rate of real estate properties through the capitalization of income and the valuation of real estate investments that provide for the estimate by discounting the actuality of cash flows. A scientific seminar by SIEV – Italian Society of Appraisal and Evaluation.

Cities accessible to all. A Pact for Urban Planning. From an experimentation with 8 Italian cities (Udine, Mantua, Livorno, Genoa, Ancona, Reggio Emilia, Spello and Catania), come solutions to govern fragmentation and form a “national vision”.

A reflection on the current urban policies in Italy starting from the data of the Observatory of the Territory of the National Institute of Urban Planning.

Also during the event: Ceremony for the conferring of the URBANISTICS 2022 Award. Curated by INU / URBIT and the URBANISTICA magazine.

On the occasion of Urbanpromo URBANISTICA, the INU statutory magazine, published since 1930, promotes the competition that bears its name in order to enhance the projects that have been most appreciated by the participants in the event. This year, the projects exhibited in the 2020 and 2021 editions will be awarded, selected by a secret online vote.
The Prize will be awarded to the first three classified in the following categories:
– Environmental, economic and social regeneration
– Technological innovations for urban management
– New ways of living and producing