404: Not Found INFRASTRUCTURES AND URBAN CHANGE – Edizione 2023 – EN

Gianni Biagi, URBIT

The conference is focused on the characteristics and urban effects of some of the main infrastructure projects for mobility that penetrate cities causing significant effects not only from the point of view of mobility, but also in urban terms, real estate, social and economic.

Important cases in the north and in the center of the country (Genoa, Turin, Florence, Rome) concerning the entrance of high-speed rail, metro and tramway lines, the consequent urban regeneration will be examined.

The initiative is aimed primarily at public administrators, representatives of public and private transport companies, technicians and professionals in the sector, interested citizens.


14:00 – 14:30 registration

14:30 – 14:45

Gianni Biagi, URBIT President
Alessandro Focaracci, President of the FASTIGI Foundation

14:45 – 16:30

First session
The Northwest Quadrant and Europe

Gianni Biagi, URBIT President


“Genoa: Third Pass and the genoese infrastructural node; the subportuale tunnel”
Calogero Mauceri, extraordinary Commissioner of Government for the railway Node of Genoa, the Third Pass of the Giovi, the Port of call of Alexandria
Mario Mascia, Councillor for Urban Planning, Municipality of Genoa

“Turin: Metro line 2”
Bernardino Chiaia, Politecnico di Torino. Commissioner line 2 – Metro of Turin

“Alexandria: the railway port of call and the retroportuale system of Genoa”
Giuseppe Savoia, Director of Real Estate Development and Development, FS Urban Systems
Ungaro Fabio Celentani, Director of Development and Development Real Estate North West Area, FS Urban Systems

Renato Loiero, Prime Minister
Responsible Roads ANAS (tbc)

16:30 – 18:30

Second session
Central Italy, gateway to the Mediterranean South

Michele Dau, President Scientific Committee Fastigi Foundation, former President of the OECD Committee for Local Development


“Florence: the gateway to the new high-speed line and the reorganization of urban mobility”
Stefano Giorgetti, Councillor for Mobility, City of Florence
Fabrizio Rocca, Project Coordinator – Florence Projects at RFI Italian Railway Network

“Rome: the urban transformations around the Roman railway stations”
Silvia Capurro, Director of General Planning, Rome Capital.

Gianni Biagi, URBIT President

Alessandro Focaracci, President of the FASTIGI Foundation