404: Not Found THE URBAN HUB OF THE ITALIAN FS GROUP – Edizione 2023 – EN

FS Sistemi Urbani

FS Sistemi Urbani, the leading company of the new Polo Urbano of the FS Italiane Group, aims to enhance the potential for urban regeneration of the real estate of the FS Group, through solutions of intermodalità and logistics of first and last mile in the city areas.

Today society wants to tell the positive environmental and social effects of urban regeneration, able to transform disused railway areas into new settlements integrated into the urban fabric and able to create value and shared well-being thanks to new infrastructure and social equipment, responding to the specific needs of citizens.

Among the executive speakers of FS Sistemi Urbani, public administrators and planners of the interventions.


10:00 – 10:30 registration

10:30 – 10:50

Institutional greetings
Umberto Lebruto, CEO FS Sistemi Urbani
Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence (tbc)

10:50 – 11:40

Sustainability and sociality in urban regeneration

“Sustainable urban regeneration”
Marianna Beltrani, Responsible Lombardy Area FS Urban Systems

“Urban Regeneration in the areas of the Node of Rome”
Nicola Madonna, Area Manager Centro FS Urban Systems

“FS Sistemi Urbani and the C40 Reinventing Cities competition – Focus Bologna”
Alessandro Maculani, Responsible Area Center North East FS Urban Systems

“The West Ligurian cycle and pedestrian track”
Fabio Celentani Ungaro, Head of North West Area FS Urban Systems

“Napoli Porta Est: The green kilometer”
Tommaso Diomaiuta, Responsible Area South and Islands FS Urban Systems

11:40 – 12:40

Round table
Urban Regeneration in 2050

Francesca Smacchia

Giuseppe Savoia, Director of Real Estate Development and Development FS Urban Systems
Mario Breglia, President of Real Estate Scenarios
Daniele Di Fausto, CEO efm
Giuseppe Roma, President RUR Institute for Urban Research
Annick Magnier, Professor of Sociology at Unifi
Margherita Brianza, Founder P’Arcnouveau
