404: Not Found THE FUTURE OF CITIES – Edizione 2023 – EN

Francesca Zaccagnini, Nicola Massaro, ANCE

Urban regeneration is at the heart of the challenges facing our cities in the future. It implies a complex network of objectives, in line with international and European targets, including improvement of quality of life, energy transition, containment of land consumption, sustainability of buildings and infrastructure, adaptation to climate change.

In the first part of the session, dedicated to the theme of Urban Regeneration, ANCE, and therefore the world of construction, together with experts from the sector and representatives of public institutions, it intends to carry out an analysis of the main issues and possible solutions for a wide and widespread implementation of the regeneration of the building heritage, the only ones able to restore liveability, functionality and sustainability to our cities. To investigate the future of our cities, the discussion will also address the issue of contamination of the construction sector with that of science and innovation.

In the second part of the session the debate will focus, together with other stakeholders, on the needs, benefits and criticality of the energy transition of the national building stock also in the light of the future EU directive “green houses” and the objectives that will result from it in terms of opportunities or criticality.

The redevelopment of buildings, both from the point of view of seismic and energy security, can, in fact, significantly influence the quality and value of the existing building stock, giving rise to a “epochal” challenge.


14:00 – 14:30 registration

14:30 – 15:00

Pierluigi Banchetti, President ANCE Florence
Stefano Betti, Vice President ANCE National with delegation to the building and territory

15:00 – 16:30

Round table
Urban regeneration

Michele de Pascale, Mayor of Ravenna
Aldo Ianniello, Director of Urban Planning of the Tuscany Region
Michele Franzina, Vice President Inarch Triveneto
Vanessa Pesenti, Vice president National ANCE with delegation to the Fiscal Policies
Calogero Mauceri, Ministry of Infrastructure
Enrico Foglia, Regenerative Marketing Institute

Giuseppe Latour, Journalist Sole24ore

16:30 – 18:00

Round table
Case green 

Marco Marcatili, Head of Strategy and Development, Nomisma
Piero Pelizzaro, Head of Workshop for the regeneration of public buildings, State Property Agency
Massimo Angelo Deldossi, National ANCE Vice President with responsibility for Technology and Innovation
Emilio Bolla, President of the Territorial Agency for the House of Central Piedmont
Stefano Corsi, Councillor and Coordinator of the Environment and Energy Committee, Order of Engineers Florence
Andrea Crociani, President of the Order of Architects Florence

Giuseppe Latour, Journalist Sole24ore

18:00 – 18:30
