Giovanni Fini, URBIT

Introduced with D.L. 162/2019, Renewable Energy Communities (CERs) offer people the opportunity to gather to equip themselves with shared plants for the production and self-consumption of energy from renewable sources. This is a simple idea that prefigures the development of zero kilometre energy and that, through the transposition of the European REDII Directive and the funding of the PNRR, can significantly affect the achievement of energy autonomy and decarbonisation targets. A first exploration of the theme was carried out on the occasion of the previous edition of Urbanpromo. Given the relevance of the current experiences, it is worth checking the progress of the projects with a focus on the social value of energy communities and the ability to aggregate people and associations around shared goals of energy transition.


9:00 – 9:30 registration

Introduces and coordinates
Giovanni Fini, INU – URBIT


“The CERs from idea to project – reflections on how to make the energy transition compatible with cities and territory”
Egidio Raimondi, Order of Architects Florence

“Energy communities and third sector”
Enrico Giarmanà, Researcher University of Catania – Consultant of Foundation with the South

“Overcoming technological and regulatory barriers for the establishment of CERs, the GECO project in Bologna”
Claudia Carani, Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development (AESS)

“Energy communities and metropolitan cities. Contribution of CERs to achieve decarbonisation targets”
Edoardo Zanchini, Director Office Climate, City of Rome

“Energy communities as a social innovation project – the initiatives supported by the Compagnia San Paolo Foundation”
Oriana Corino, Area Operazioni Immobiliari e Social Housing – PR.I.S.MA Scrl
Claudia Traina, Mission Protecting the environment – Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo

“Nuove Energie – a project of the CRC Foundation in collaboration with Environment Park to assist and accompany the establishment of CER in the Province of Cuneo”
Stefano Dotta, Area Manager – Green Building, Environment Park Spa

“The first energy and solidarity community in Italy, the experience of San Giovanni in Teduccio (Naples)”
Mariateresa Imparato, President Legambiente Campania

“The path for the construction of the Energy Community of Calenzano (Florence)”
Riccardo Prestini, Mayor of Calenzano

Giovanni Fini, INU – URBIT