Simona Giustino, CDP Real Asset Sgr

The CDP Group SGR presents the new structure and new activities in line with the CDP Business Plan and in particular with Pillar 3: Financial Instruments in support of the country’s strategic sectors.


11:15 – 11:45 registrations

11:45 – 13:15

Emiliano Ranati, CFO CDP Real Asset Sgr

Fondi Abitare Sociale
“Social cohesion through sustainable and inclusive urban regeneration in partnership with public institutions and banking foundations and extending social housing throughout the country”
Filippo Catena, CDP Real Asset Sgr

Fondo Infrastrutture
“Extend the operation of CDP SGR to the management of AIFs dedicated to investment in infrastructure”
Piergiorgio Mandolesi, CDP Real Asset Sgr

Property Development Fund, Development Fund
“Enhancing the real estate through urban regeneration programs also in partnership with the Banking Foundations, leases and sales”
Marco Nicolò, CDP Real Asset Sgr
Guglielmo Calabresi, CDP Real Asset Sgr

Fondi Turismo
“Supporting the hotel and tourism sector as a driving force for the relaunch of the post-Covid economy”
Chiara Caruso, CDP Real Asset Sgr

13:15 – 13:30
