Fabiana Forte, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Antonio Fassone, INU, Simona Giustino, CDP Real Asset SGR Spa, Claudio Kofler, Nummus.info, Patrizia Lombardi, Politecnico Torino, Elio Morino, INU – URBIT, Alessandro Portinaro, Fondazione Links

The meeting intends to present and discuss a first reflection on the relationship between the ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance) and the design and implementation of policies and instruments of planning and management of the territory, at various scales, regional, provincial, municipal and metropolitan. In particular, the aim is to investigate the potential impact that the ESG criteria have on the attractiveness, sustainability and inclusiveness of the territories, compared to the current regulatory framework (VAS, VIA, CAM, DNSH, …), for Public Administration, investors of different nature, public and private.


16:30 – 16:45 entries

16:45 – 17:10
Introduce and coordinate
Elio Morino, INU – URBIT

17:10 – 18:30
Patrizia Lombardi, Politecnico Torino

Sarah Braccio, Architect, Sector Sustainable Development, biodiversity and natural areas, Piedmont Region.
Edoardo Croci, Director SUR Lab (Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab), Professor, Bocconi University.
Roberto Gerundo, Professor of role in Technical and Urban Planning, University of Salerno and Councillor for Urban Planning and Planning of the Municipality of Giugliano in Campania (Na).
Michele Mancini, Engineer, Green Building Product Manager – Bureau Veritas NEXTA.
Anna Monticelli, Doctor, Trend analysis and applied research, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center.
Daniele Pronesti, Head of Business Development and Sustainability- CDP Real Asset SGR Spa.
Marco Rabitti, Head of Programming and Marketing – Arexpo Spa.