Article: The research is developed under the project PRIN 2020 20209F3A37 SUMMA. In particular, the panels presented at the Innovation Center in Florence present the results of two research objectives: “Implement and/or identify methodologies to analyze the places affected by multiple risks in order to be able to direct research, plans, programs towards sustainable and inclusive solutions in terms of adaptation and regeneration in its triple meaning” “Implement guidelines for resilience in multi-risk areas”.

The following are presented: the DYNAMO-dynamic Place Design method (Sepe, 2023) to analyze the elements and risk factors of a place – in particular public spaces – the perception of the same by its users and the quality of the site and identify policies and/or project interventions for its preservation and improvement; the Healthy Place Design method that aims to identify the factors that make the places healthy, liveable and happy from the point of view of the user and to identify appropriate design interventions to enhance or design these factors. In addition, the design part provides for the verification of consistency with the 25 principles of the Charter of Urban Health, which consists of a check-list to create healthy, livable and climate-friendly places.