404: Not Found LOMBARDY REGION – PTR VISION 2030 – Edizione 2023 – EN

Since 2014, with the regional law n.31 for the reduction of land consumption and the redevelopment of degraded soil, the Lombardy Region has concentrated its forces in the field of territorial government towards a complex project of knowledge, evaluation and orientation of policies for the containment of land consumption and regeneration, where the territorial connotation represents the synthesis of several layers of interpretation of the different components: territorial, landscape-environmental, socio-economic and cultural.
There is no doubt about the complexity of this analytical-interpretative path, before a liquid society where the ability to read changes in advance (socio-economic and therefore territorial) becomes the key element to plan with foresight the spatial planning of the coming decades. The path is complex, in view of the fact that the difficult reading of the constantly changing variables (demographic, cultural, social, economic changes), adds the awareness that the soil resource is irreproducible. Against this background, everything produced by the Lombardy Region (from standards LR 31/14 and LR 18/19, to PTR integration, from deliberations for the stimulation and simplification of regeneration, to applications for the monitoring of transformation areas and areas of regeneration, up to the in-depth courses aimed at municipalities and professionals), is characterized by a significant cognitive and interpretative apparatus of the past territorial processes, in place and planned.
In the awareness that soil, a non-renewable resource, is a common good of fundamental importance Lombardy Region has therefore indicated on the one hand the short-term scenario such that the current forecasts of free soil transformation will have to be reduced by 25%-20%; on the other hand, numerous measures to encourage, simplify and promote regeneration areas, for which not only criteria and guidelines for the recovery of abandoned buildings have been made available, but also regulations aimed at dewaterproofing soil and computer applications for monitoring the availability of areas to be regenerated.
Everything produced has been completed in the revision of the Regional Territorial Plan including the landscape component under approval, whose Vision to 2030 is to “guarantee and improve the quality of life of citizens”.