Iginio Rossi, INU

The redevelopment of the systems that make up the operation of urban and suburban areas leads to a general rethinking of the traditional tools and/or measures of land planning and planning, through the formulation of models of relaunching the systems of urban attractiveness (cultural, tourist-receptive, trade-crafts-services, production of excellence,) and heritage of goods related to the landscape-artistic-monumental and the historical fabric of value.

The cultural and sustainable tourism, which Mirabilia is inspired by strong UNESCO sites in the 21 Chambers of Commerce associated, allows you to know the fascinating culture of an Italy to be discovered by entering into deep connection with the territories and their people. Through a slow journey, the dimension that feeds on tradition and innovation, laboratories and workshops, universities and businesses, historical, artistic, architectural elements, museums and laid tables can emerge, to create an immersive and transformative experience.

In order to be adequately attractive, this articulation implies the integration and coordination of policies, plans, programmes, strategies and actions that can affect the functioning of areas that are often considered separately, result of that sectoral and specialized logic that unfortunately characterizes most of the central and regional administrations of the country. But that is not enough. In fact, new design approaches are needed that by addressing the supply chains of cultural tourism can be able to put “a system” that articulated dimension that makes the Italian territorial heritage precious.

The meeting, starting from the framework of the cultural, social and economic resources already active, will propose some more significant practices that, through the comparison between experts, will allow the development prospects to emerge to which the system is deemed to be geared.

In conclusion there will be the award ceremony of the 2023 City Prize accessible to all for Master’s and Triennial Dissertations and for Research-studies.


14:00 – 14:30 registration

14:30 – 15:00

Iginio Rossi, INU-URBIT

“Accessibility and cultural tourism: motivations and expectations”
Vito Signati, National Coordinator Mirabilia Network
Roberto Nepomuceno, Director of the Ministry of Tourism
Alessandro Bruni, President INU Umbria
Lulghennet Teklé, Coordinator of the Federation of Tuscan PPC Architects – FAT

15:00 – 16:15
Potential of cultural tourism. Comparison of experiences

“Accessibility: potential of cultural tourism”
Iginio Rossi, INU – URBIT

“The Mirabilia project”
Vito Signati, National Coordinator Mirabilia Network

“Genoa Be Design Week: regeneration of the territory”
Elisabetta Rossetti, President Dide Association, Design District, Genoa

“The Cison Charter of Valmarino: sustainability as a factor of territorial competitiveness”
Giulia Casagrande, President of the Marca Treviso Foundation, Manager of the O.G.D. Città d’arte e Ville Venete del Territorio Trevigiano

“The Trabocchi Coast, challenges and opportunities of a model of sustainable cultural tourism”
Tosca Chersich, Director Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara

“Matera from the reasons of a success to the new problems and challenges”
Pietro Laureano, Architect and urban planner

“Grand Tour UNESCO. A model for accessibility between sites and territories”
Andrea Rolando, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano

16:30 – 17:00

Exchanges and comparisons

17:00 – 17:50

Development of local supply chains

“Lessons and perspectives, synthesis of experiences in comparison”
Maurizio Caviglia, Chamber of Commerce of Genoa


Paolo Testa, Confcommercio
Vito Signati, Mirabilia Network
Francesco Alberti, Community INU Cities accessible to all

17:50 – 18:30

Award ceremony “Cities accessible to all 2023”

They deliver the prizes:
Maurizio Caviglia, Chamber of Commerce of Genoa
Luca Marzi, University of Florence

With the inclusion of Mirabilia Network alongside the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, the Prize 2023 in addition to the increase in the prize pool is oriented to the collection of works related to the accessibility of the supply chains of cultural tourism. The Ministry of Culture, Cerpa Italia Onlus, Urbanistica Informazioni and the National Research Council collaborate with the CNR-IMATI, RAISE (Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment) project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 Education and Research – Component 2 From research to enterprise – Investment 1.5, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (https://www.raiseliguria.it) – Spoke 1 “Urban Technologies for Inclusive Engagement” and the Living Labs organized in it for the development of technologies for accessibility and inclusion.
The fourth edition of the Prize “Cities accessible to all” is addressed to Master’s Theses – Triennial and Research – Studies with innovative character.

Members of the jury
Giordana Castelli, National Research Council
Maurizio Caviglia, Chamber of Commerce of Genoa
Gabriella Cetorelli, Ministry of Culture
Carolina Giaimo, Town planning Information
Luca Marzi, University of Florence
Piera Nobili, CERPA Italy Onlus
Iginio Rossi, INU, Coordinator of the jury