Matelda Reho, Giulia Lucertini, Università IUAV Venezia

The issue of food, from overcoming the barriers between producers and consumers to fighting food waste, is an important component of the quality of urban life. The “urban good policies” and their evolution are a field of study frequently curated by Urbanpromo, with the aim of identifying the most interesting experiences and spreading the knowledge of good practices.

During this edition of Urbanpromo, the city’s food supply is addressed in three thematic sections:

  • How can the supply area of cities be defined? For which products and supply chains?
  • What threats, what conflicts to the city’s food supply?
  • Food production and identity of the city


9:00 – 9:30 registration

9:30 – 13:15 Introduction
Matelda Reho, IUAV University of Venice

 1. How can the supply area of the city be defined? For which products and supply chains?

“The food supply of the city of Rome. A reading through the flows recorded through the agro-food center of Rome and Italmercati”
Fabio Massimo Pallottini, CEO of Centro agro-alimentare di Roma and President of Italmercati

“Food metres”
Alessia Tondo, University of Turin

“Cascina Sant’Alberto. New models of solidarity economy in support of social agriculture”
Marco Ferraro, Project manager of Acra Foundation

     2. What threats, such as conflicts to the city’s food supply?

“Projects in periurban areas in conflict contexts”
Matteo Barbato, Cariplo Foundation

“Projects and actions to support the sustainable supply of cities”
Giaime Berti, University of Pisa

     3. Food production and the identity of the city

“Territorial strategies of food. Landscape and community”
Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci, University of Perugia

“The experience of Unesco creative cities for gastronomy”
Emanuele Bolla, Alba
Claudio Cecchinelli, Bergamo
Carlotta Beghi, Sara Barratta, Parma
Annalisa Donnarumma, Vico Equense

13:15 – 13:30 Concludes
Matelda Reho, IUAV University of Venice