Tancredi Attinà, Abitare Toscana

From the first report on the social performance of social housing in Italy, drawn up by the company Avanzi, emerges as one of the main results of SIF (Integrated System of Funds), to which the Tuscan Housing Fund adheres, is to have triggered innovative partnerships that, although led by the Public Administration, it involved private and socially oriented investors in the governance and management of the entire value chain.

The technical (engineering, financial, …) dimension has gone hand in hand with the social dimension. The idea of community design and development is strongly integrated into the model: social housing initiatives in Italy have helped to experiment and define the figure of the “social manager” that integrates the technical and social dimension in property management, representing an important reference for the innovation of the management service also in other residential and territorial contexts. Italian social housing is not just a new type of offer in the real estate market: it is a new type of living. Further to this point, the full integration of complementary services has played an essential role.

The Tuscany Region has long decided to follow this path, on the one hand by implementing specific actions in this regard, starting from the memoranda of understanding signed with the Tuscan Housing Fund in 2020 and 2021 concerning experiments on settlement models in a pandemic emergency and for the promotion of integrative community services for the management of social housing.  On the other hand, by promoting the interaction of the housing policy sector with urban regeneration processes and programmes that intercept national and European sources of funding.

The conference will also be an opportunity to present the publication “Abitare Urbano” edited by the University of Florence’s Architecture Department (DiDa).


9:00 – 9:30 registrations

9:30 – 10:45
Introduces and coordinates
Paola Pierotti, PPAN

“The social rating of the Tuscan Housing Fund”.
Paolo Boleso, Head of Residential and Social Infrastructure of Investire SGR

“Innovative socially-oriented partnerships and management of the entire value chain”.
Serena Spinelli, Councillor for Social Policies, Residential Housing and International Cooperation of the Region of Tuscany
Gabriele Gori, General Director Fondazione CR Firenze

Presentation of the publication “Abitare Urbano, from housing quality to urban quality”.
Maria De Santis, Professor DiDa Department, University of Florence
Ludovica Gregori, Architect

“Call European Urban Initiative 2023: ‘Se Cura’-‘Sto Cultura’ ”
Beatrice Corsi, Councillor for Environment, Ecological Transition, Agriculture, Hunting of the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino
Federica Petti, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Education, Culture and Gender Policies
Tancredi Attinà, Managing Director Abitare Toscana

“Quartieri Sani Hub: the ongoing experience in the Piagge district of Florence”.
Sara Funaro, Councillor Education, Welfare and Immigration of the Municipality of Florence
Marco Nerattini, Director of the Health Society of Florence
Nicoletta Setola, Professor DiDa Department, University of Florence
Consuelo Buggiani, President Samarcanda Cooperativa Sociale

11.00 – 11.15
Stefano Tossani, President Abitare Toscana