Tancredi Attinà, Abitare Toscana

“Home Care & Proximity Wellness” represents an innovative project of residential poly-functionality. It is an accessible and sustainable housing offer integrated with social care services to the person, according to a new model that integrates the experience gained in social housing – the integrative spaces to living, the social manager, community services – with home care services dedicated to wellness of proximity, through the offer to tenants of integrated and personalized services with modular and variable intensity with the support of new technologies and thanks to the experience, also in care work, of the rooted territorial cooperative network.

A hybrid model that aims at building cohesive communities that replicate the typically Italian social model where families, young couples and the elderly can actively interact, creating convergences of interests on common services thanks to the coordination of the social manager as the single point of contact for all the figures involved, increasingly a pivot in the evolution of the “home” connected to a varied offer of services.

Starting from the two experiences currently being implemented in the region (“Vivismart,” an integrated system dedicated to health and social services and benefits for the over-65s in the Novoli Village in Florence and “Borgo di San Martino,” the new real estate compendium in Pisa dedicated to social housing), the impact of this model will be simulated in the potential social housing district that will refunctionalize the former “Lupi di Toscana” Barracks in Florence.


16:15 – 16:45 registrations

16:45 – 17:00
Introduces and coordinates
Paola Pierotti, PPAN

“”Proximity Home Care & Wellness” the Investire model: a new evolutionary step in sustainable living”
Paolo Boleso, Head of Residential and Social Infrastructure at Investire SGR

“The home as an active social stronghold in the territory”.
Serena Spinelli, Councillor for Social Policies, Residential Housing and International Cooperation, Tuscany Region

“Telecare, Telemedicine and Telemonitoring: public and private health law”.
Paolo Franco, HWP Milan Law Firm

“Case 1: Urban Housing and Residential Multifunctionality in Montelupo Fiorentino”.
Tancredi Attinà, Managing Director Abitare Toscana
Maria Cristina Dragonetti, President of the SintesiMinerva Social Cooperative
Gabriele Danesi, President Auser Laboratorio Casa APS

“Case 2: the senior housing of Via Baracca in Florence”.
Edoardo Ristori, Head of the Voluntary Work, Philanthropy and Charity Sector Fondazione CR Firenze
Lorenzo Terzani, Innovation Area Director Consorzio CO&SO

“Case 3: former Lupi di Toscana Barracks, a new laboratory district”.
Giacomo Parenti, Director General of the Municipality of Florence
Fabrizio Rossi Prodi, Rossi Prodi Associati

“The public-private partnership as a governance model: co-programming, co-design and co-financing of impact interventions”.
Paola Delmonte, Social Economist

18:15 – 18:30