Camilla Cerrina Feroni, Sandra Vecchietti, INU-URBIT

Inter-municipal planning is of great importance especially for small municipalities, but not only in the planning system set out by the INU in its proposal for the reform of territorial government and town planning. Currently the greatest spread of this form of planning is recorded in Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, thanks to the recent regional laws governing it and the subsequent support initiatives taken by the two regions. In a more sporadic form, there are also experiences of inter-municipal planning in other regions, among which the Piedmont Region is promoting actions in this direction. The time is therefore appropriate to deepen the knowledge of ongoing initiatives, to focus the processes of processing with the problems encountered, to enhance them and also to contribute to the further dissemination of this type of planning. The seminar therefore aims to take stock of the regions invited to the debate (Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont and Tuscany) on the policies and actions promoted in support of inter-municipal planning, making a first assessment of the results.  Municipalities and Unions invited, expression of different territorial realities (metropolitan areas of Bologna, Florence, Turin, and territories of inland and coastal areas) that have already practiced or are experimenting with intercommunal planning, will be able instead to return the process of construction of the strategies of wide area, the problems met and the potentialities of such instruments.


14:00 – 14:30 registration

14:30 – 14:45

Greetings and introduction to the theme
Camilla Cerrina Feroni, President INU Tuscany
Sandra Vecchietti, outgoing President INU Emilia-Romagna

14:45 – 16:15

First Session
Comparing regional policies: strategies and actions in progress to promote inter-municipal planning

Coordinates and moderates
Chiara Agnoletti, Vice President INU Tuscany


Regione Toscana
Stefano Baccelli, City council member Infrastructures, mobility and government of the territory
Luca Signorini, Regional Planning Department of Tuscany

Emilia Romagna
Carlo Monti, Professor, INU Emilia-Romagna

Regione Piemonte
Stefania Crotta, Director of Environment, Energy and Territory Piedmont Region

The point of view of professionals

Simone Scortecci, Fondazione architetti Firenze

16:45 – 18:30

Second Session
The experiences of the territories: construction and sharing of territorial strategies of vast area in the inter-municipal planning

Coordinates and moderates
Alessandro Marioni, INU Tuscany Secretary


Municipalities in the metropolitan areas of Florence, Bologna, Turin

Towns of Sesto Fiorentino and Calenzano
Damiano Sforzi, Councillor for Town Planning of Sesto Fiorentino
Lorenzo Venturini, Manager of the Development Department of the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino

Union of Municipalities Valli del Reno, Lavino-Samoggia
Vittorio Emanuele Bianchi, scientific coordinator

City of Settimo Torinese (TO)
Antonello Camillo, Director of Territory Sector

Municipalities of inland and coastal areas of Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany

Rubicon and Sea Union
Eva Cerri, Head of the Piano Office

Union of Municipalities of Bassa Reggiana
Filippo Boschi, co-responsible for the inter-municipal PUG project

Union of Municipalities of Garfagnana
Andrea Tagliasacchi, President of the Union
Marcello Bernardini, Head of the Union Technical Office
Riccardo Breschi, Architect

Giuseppe De Luca, INU Tuscany