Vittorio Salmoni, Marichela Sepe, URBIT

The conference is focused on the ability of innovation and cultural creativity to trigger and feed processes of urban and territorial regeneration involving local communities and the Third Sector. Starting from the initiatives promoted by some Foundations of banking origin, the identity and specific purposes of public and private subjects are focused, the tools used to create regenerative opportunities including the instrument of the call, the criteria by which the places and assets of intervention are chosen, the centres of competence, the procedures adopted or encountered, also with a view to suggesting simplifications, the uses to be used in relation to the objectives adopted and the specificities of the places, the issue of process management.

  • Advanced experimentation of public/private collaboration
  • The Protagonists: public and private subjects
  • Opportunities Research Tools: Public and Private Calls
  • Selected locations: criteria and objectives
  • Centres of expertise: the role of banking foundations
  • Simplified procedures: looking for new tools
  • Promiscuous and temporary uses: looking for new rules
  • Spaces in transformation: process management
  • Innovation and cultural creativity to overcome limits and barriers.


14:00 – 14:30 registration

14:30 – 14:45

Michele Talia, INU President
Gianni Biagi, URBIT President
Representatives of participating Foundations 

14:45 – 16:30

First part
Case history

Marichela Sepe, Vittorio Salmoni, INU – URBIT


Keynote 1: CR Florence Foundation
“ACTIVE SPACES. Archaeological Barracks of Sansepolcro”
Barbara Tosti

Keynote 2: Foundation With the South
“Public-private collaboration for the enhancement of cultural heritage: the cases of Masseria Tagliatelle in Lecce and the former Convent of San Gaetano in Taranto”
Anna Marino, Maria Caterina Ronconi

Keynote 3: Cariplo Foundation
“The Mosso community point in Milan”
Laura Galassi

Keynote 4: CRC Foundation
“Urban regeneration through public art: the cases of the province of Cuneo”
Valentina Dania

Keynote 5: Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
“Active participation multiplies regeneration: the space programme”
Sandra Aloia

16:30 – 18:15

Second part

Marichela Sepe, Vittorio Salmoni, INU – URBIT

Lucio Argano, Catholic University of Milan, MIC expert

Elena Pianea, Tuscany Region
Oliviero Ponte di Pino, Essayist and curator
Alessio D’Auria, Professor of Economics, Sister Orsola Benincasa
Francesca Mazzocchi, President LAMA social enterprise
Davide Grignani, AIAF

18:15 – 18:30
