Cultural and sustainable tourism allows you to get to know the fascinating culture of an Italy to be discovered by entering into a deep connection with the territories and their people. Through a slow journey can emerge a dimension that feeds on tradition and innovation, laboratories and workshops, universities and businesses, history and architecture, museums and tables set, to achieve an immersive and transformative experience.

And it is with these objectives that Mirabilia was founded in 2012, by 5 Chambers of Commerce “pioneers” committed to undertake together a path that led to rebalance the tourist flows between UNESCO sites already then victim of “overtourism” and those still too little known. A lot of road has been made since then, the Chambers that have undertaken this path have gone up to 21, flanked by national Unioncamere, and every year they meet in a different place – of course Unesco – for the “Cultural Tourism Exchange” and the “Borsa del turismo food and drink”, B2B meetings between “buyers” from all over the world and “sellers” of the Mirabilia territories.