The 21th edition of Urbanpromo – Progetti per il Paese will be held in Florence from 5 to 8 November 2024. The event is promoted by INU – Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, with the organisational support of its instrumental company URBIT – Urbanistica Italiana Srl.

The elaboration of the programme of the event is directed by a Steering Committee, made up of INU / URBIT representatives and representatives of the partner organisations. The Committee coordinates and synthesises the individual initiatives developed by the various Working Groups.

Main partners of INU / URBIT for the Urbanpromo project are Fondazione CR Firenze, Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT, Fondazione con il Sud, CDP Real Asset Sgr, Regione Toscana, ANCE, Confcommercio, FS Sistemi Urbani.

The venue for the 20th edition of Urbanpromo is the Innovation Centre of Fondazione CR Firenze, a building constructed in the late 17th century by Grand Duke Cosimo III de’ Medici as the Granary of Abundance. After becoming the Military Bakery and then the caserma Cavalli (Cavalli barracks), it was purchased by the Fondazione CR Firenze, renovated and transformed into a centre of technological innovation to be inaugurated in 2021.

The building is located on the Lungarno Soderini, a 10-minute walk from the Santa Maria Novella railway station. Urbanpromo’s conferences are held in the 4 halls of the Congress Centre, located on the basement floor. On the ground floor are the 21 silos of the historic granary, which, together with the foyer spaces of the Auditorium, will host the exhibition of projects, and various hospitality services including a cafeteria and a restaurant.

Urbanpromo’s cultural programme develops the four macro-themes into which the event has been divided and specialised over time: urban regeneration (Urbanpromo City), social housing (Urbanpromo Social Housing), ecological transition (Urbanpromo Green) and digital culture (Urbanpromo Digital). As is its usual custom, Urbanpromo addresses issues of topical priority, making use of the results of research and theoretical-interpretative contributions, and presenting the most innovative experiences conducted by public administrations, Third Sector organisations, companies and private organisations with specific skills. The enhancement of public-private partnerships, the dissemination of good practices, the growth of technical and administrative skills, and the conception and promotion of legislative and project innovations are the main aims of the event.

The event programme envisages that, over its 4 days, the 4 halls of the Congress Centre will always host 4 conferences in parallel. The basic format of each conference is half a day, with the programme divided into two sessions of approximately 90-100 minutes each, separated by a 30-minute break. Specific needs motivate different formats. Some conferences are broadcast via streaming. All conferences are recorded and the recordings made accessible in the days following the event.

INU / URBIT, as is customary, asks the Professional Associations to grant training credits to their members participating in the conferences and seminars of the event.