Giuseppe De Luca e Carolina Giaimo, INU

The Conference aims to address the theme of land management and its transformations through the use of soft policies and soft power; informal tools that are progressively flanking the ordinary, more formal and vincolistic instruments and processes, Planning and design, allowing for a greater variety of possible outcomes, shorter lead times and an increase in the final quality of results.
The Conference therefore aims to take stock of these experimental practices and explore how this modality can provide a path for updating the discipline of territorial government in Europe.

The call for papers aims to select a list of contributions to initiate a debate and provide new working hypotheses to the scientific community.


Carlo Pisano, University of Florence

9:30 – 11:15
First session

Stefano Moroni, Professor of Planning at the Milan Polytechnic

“Climate change, climate strange, strange planning change”
Vito Garramone, Carlo Dall’Omo, Vittore Negretto and Francesco Musco, Iuav University of Venice

“Possibilities and planning: ‘design the disorder’ or ‘order without project’?”
Anita De Franco, Milan Polytechnic

“For a useful plan”
Paolo Galuzzi, Sapienza University of Rome
Piergiorgio Vitillo, Milan Polytechnic

“The inescapable complexity of uncertainty. The role of the plan in urban regeneration processes”
Antonio Bocca, University of Camerino

“Urban Planning. Reflections from the case of Santiago de Chile”
Emanuel Giannotti, Iuav University of Venice

“Investigating urban metabolism in multi-hazard contexts. A review oriented to the definition of the concept of metabolic risk”
Sara Piccirillo, Benedetta Pastena, Federica Vingelli, Michelangelo Russo, University of Naples Federico II

11:45 – 13:30
Second session
Case studies

Roberto Mascarucci, former Professor of Urban Planning at the University “G.d’Annunzio” in Chieti-Pescara

“Between Metaproject and Urban Design. An inductive approach to regenerate the residual spaces of the Milanese Tangenziali”
Nicolò Chierichetti, Milan Polytechnic

“The Restart Begato project in the Diamante district of Genoa: a site for experimentation and dialogue between institutions and communities”
Massimiliano Giberti, University of Genoa
Marco Guarino, Architect
Paolo Putti, Cooperativa Agirà – Genova
Elisabetta Rossi, Municipality of Genoa
Maddalena Rossi, University of Florence
Francesca Salvarani, Architect

“Super Trento”
Teresa Pedretti, Studio Campomarzio

“Apply the methodology of the Urban Living Labs (ULL) for the co-design of the transition in sites of National Interest (SIN). The case of Bagnoli”
Bruna Vendemmia, Libera Amenta, Maria Fabrizia Clemente, Rosaria Iodice, University of Naples Federico II

“Planning and designing with(in) uncertainties and disorder. Reflections from the case of Jubileumsparken, Gothenburg”
Beatrice Galimberti, Milan Polytechnic

“New forms of urban fragility for the disordered city: Temporary Riusi, the case of Reggio Emilia”
Irene Manzini Ceinar, UCL London’s Global University
Francesca Salsi, Nicoletta Levi, Graziana Bonvicini, Municipality of Reggio Emilia
